High-level Facebook staffer allegedly caught in amateur child sex sting operation – IOTW Report

High-level Facebook staffer allegedly caught in amateur child sex sting operation

AndyNgo Locals: A live stream video posted on YouTube on Feb. 16 by “Predator Catchers Indianapolis” purports to show Meta/Facebook Manager of Community Development Jeren Andrew Miles, of Palm Springs, Calif., being caught in a child sex sting in Columbus, Ohio.

Miles, 35, allegedly communicated sexually explicit texts with a person who said they were a 13-year-old boy. He allegedly made plans for the boy to meet him at Le Meridien Columbus hotel, which is how and where the “Predator Catchers” group interviewed him. read more

15 Comments on High-level Facebook staffer allegedly caught in amateur child sex sting operation

  1. This guy and his sexual perversion is not an outlier, sexual perversion is a feature of progdom with each of them trying to outdo the others. They all need to be seen as hip and cool and in the process this is where they end up.

    I made a comment regarding the Seattle prog couple’s idea of the pinnacle of entertainment is spending the weekend at the casino with their first loves, their booze, pot, pornography, cigarettes, gambling and engaging in cuckoldry. The individual I was talking to suggested that some maybe, but that I was exaggerating. The hell I am. Take a look at their favorite periodical (The Stranger) and it lays out what is expected of a good prog. One thing for sure and for certain there isn’t a prog who is not totally invested in being “in with the in crowd.” This is where they go to get their marching orders.

  2. I saw this story a couple of days ago, I was wondering when the media would get around to exposing this guy. We won’t hear much about this going forward. Too many wag the dog stories going on.

  3. Every fucking one…they are all like and need a bullet between the eyes. I just don’t get how these sorry fucks can get away with this and keep getting slaps on the wrist.

  4. The video is disturbing to watch.
    He acts as if this is normal and none should be upset by it.

    This clown is one of those who run and enforce Facebook’s “community safety” fascist rules used to censor conservatives and anyone who is not afar left woke crazy.


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