High School Girl Who Lost Race to Transgender Athletes Files Federal Complaint – IOTW Report

High School Girl Who Lost Race to Transgender Athletes Files Federal Complaint

Daily Signal:

A female high school athlete who didn’t qualify for a track event because two boys who identify as girls ran faster filed a complaint Monday with the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights.

“No one in the state of Connecticut is happy about this, but no one has enough courage to speak up,” Selina Soule said during an interview with Tucker Carlson that aired Monday night on his Fox News Channel show.

Selina competes in track at Bloomfield High School in Bloomfield, Connecticut. She wasn’t able to qualify for the 55-meter event in the New England regionals because two spots were taken by biological boys, as The Daily Signal’s Kelsey Bolar documented in a recent video report on the 16-year-old’s situation.

She is far from the only female athlete disadvantaged by policies that allow transgender girls to compete with biological girls, Selina told Carlson on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” read more

28 Comments on High School Girl Who Lost Race to Transgender Athletes Files Federal Complaint

  1. I hope that they (the boys) have to show that they have no dicks.
    And, if they do they are given a choice cut them off, or go run with the boys. Fair is Fair.
    Enough is enough.
    I could go on, but the Rat Fink has that covered,and I like it.
    Let it rip,Rat Fink.

  2. stupid on steroids. Or progesterone. Or testosterone. How f’n ignorant has our nation become? Ignorant enough to allow this steaming pile of pelosi to continue. The fact that universities agree that a person can change their sex is beyond belief. It begs the question “did aliens already pervert our human race”. Reports of aliens using rectal probes were really just operations to remove what is left of liberals brains?

  3. Good for you, Selina!

    I sure hope her family and friends will stick with her when the SJWs come gunning for her. They will, because they cannot abide someone telling the truth about their fantasy.

  4. Isn’t the reality of unsuspected consequences how all liberal lunacy is defeated? Or at least checked?

    As for the sprinting faggots in girls clothes, will you display your trophy with pride? That will be less than impressive.

  5. Men are girls, a popular social media delusion that our narrow minded politicians have been sucked into. Pray for us, we’re going to crash…hard. Same mind set that used to actually believe witches existed.

  6. A popular social media delusion that our narrow minded politicians have been sucked into. Pray for us, we’re going to crash…hard. Same mind set that used to think witches existed.

  7. Chromosomes do not lie.

    XX you are a girl
    XY you are a boy

    Not interchangeable. No amount of makeup, wardrobe changes, or mutilation surgery will change the truth.

  8. @Braden Lynch – Yes, indeed. And that’s why I keep suggesting that, among other institutions, athletic organizations do away with Men/Boys and Women/Girls classifications and replace them with XY and XX divisions.

  9. if I were a girls softball coach at some high school, every single biological gal would be cut and replaced with trannies. We’d win State.

    If libtards want to make the rules and demand everyone else play by them, fine. The pendulum can only swing so far before it returns.

  10. This is a case the weirdos have to lose for the sake of our future.
    Go Salina. Just imagine if I identified as a woman and tried to join the Ladies Club and play from the Red Tees?
    Don’t worry, I wouldn’t have the balls to do it. And besides, the girls hate me because I used to break their balls for slow play.

    This whole fiasco is sooo stupid, it’s hard to believe it’s gone this far. WTF are our law makers? WTF have they been doing all these years, not to have nipped this shit at the bud?
    No It’s not funny at all. It’s sickening!

  11. ?? How am i going to buy a shirt if theres no MENS department, or MENS large shirts? MENS slacks, jeans….i sure as h dont need a bra and i dont know what they’d call it.

  12. @Moe tom June 19, 2019 at 10:07 pm

    > This is a case the weirdos have to lose for the sake of our future.

    You want people to believe “we” have a future with even more “radical” feminism.

    That’s so cute!

  13. This ‘transvestite as a female’ is so profoundly stupid, only the likes of a weirdo like obama could have started it.

    Like everything else our first gay president started, this too will backfire when enough women get REALLY pissed off.


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