Highbrows Vs. Deplorables – IOTW Report

Highbrows Vs. Deplorables


“The idea of Europe is in peril.” Thus begins an 800-word open letter published on Friday in the French newspaper Libération and other several European dailies. Written by Bernard-Henri Lévy, the French philosopher, it was signed by thirty “top intellectuals” (as the Guardian put it) from twenty-one countries.

Now, anyone familiar with current affairs will readily agree that Europe – at least Western Europe – is imperiled. It’s imperiled by a European Union whose unelected leaders are determined to convert it into a sovereign superstate with its own army and with ever-expanding powers. And it’s imperiled by hordes of Muslim migrants who, having been forced upon it by those EU leaders, will, barring dramatic reversals, eventually turn the countries of Western Europe into sharia states.

But this isn’t what these “top intellectuals” mean. Note the wording of their letter: they’re not concerned with the well-being of the peoples of Europe; their preoccupation is with the idea of Europe, which is to say with the preservation and fortification of the European Union.

And their message is that the EU is imperiled by – who else? – Europeans themselves.

h/t Forcibly Deranged.

12 Comments on Highbrows Vs. Deplorables

  1. “It’s not a crime to be poor, it’s only a crime to dress poorly.”

    It’s not surprising that a complaint like this should come out of the French quarter of the EU. It’s always the French who find appearances to be paramount.

  2. Sounded like a lot of buzz words and gobbledygook, with no clear thrust to their argument. If that passes for European intellectualism, then it is rotten.

  3. “Nonetheless, style, like sheer silk, too often hides eczema.”
    (dead French dude)

    The European Union is a suicide pact based, not on a United States-like Federalism, but on a Soviet Union-style authoritarianism.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @Tim February 3, 2019 at 7:14 am

    > The European Union is a suicide pact based, not on a United States-like Federalism, but on a Soviet Union-style authoritarianism.

    Why?… Mr. Van @Tim! We haven’t seen you since the Buchanan Administration!

  5. The idea of an EU headed by a bunch of corrupt, secretive pedophiles in Brussels was almost as smart as a democrat party headed by the corrupt, secretive sex-preditor hag hillary clinton.


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