Highest Taxed Places To Live – IOTW Report

Highest Taxed Places To Live

BUSINESS BEND: In the United States, the difference between taxes in one place versus another comes down to city and state taxes. That’s right, in some high taxed places, you get taxed not only by the state but by the city government as well. Here are some cities that have the highest amount of taxes in the county.

Chicago, Illinois

The tax burden in Chicago, Illinois is impressive, impressively devastating to a citizen’s wallet. According to smartasset.com, a family making $75,000 will have to pay $2,732 to Illinois state income taxes. On top of that, Illinois has the highest property taxes in the nation, at roughly 2.7%. According to a recent study though, the sales and auto taxes are not quite as bad as some. At the end of the day, there are a few worse places to live for your pocket book.  MORE

9 Comments on Highest Taxed Places To Live

  1. And it would be a just law to force every idiot who voted for high taxes on himself and his neighbors to personally carry that tax burden with him wherever he goes! When people from a high taxed state or locality move they take that tax rate with them to the new location!

  2. I don’t know how anyone can afford to live in Yonkers. When I first moved to NY State, I accidentally put in the county for Yonkers, and went from getting a little money back to owing hundreds of extra dollars.

  3. One of the reasons I left Pennsylvania for Arizona 20 years ago had to do with taxes. In AZ, I pay federal, state and sales taxes. In PA, I paid the same, plus municipal tax, head tax, vocational tax, occupational privilege tax, vocational assessment tax, and a few others. They all came due at different times of the year to disguise the fact that I was paying about an extra $1000/year just to live and breathe in PA.

  4. Between these Taxes (below) and more I have become a Slave to the State, they don’t need to whip you like the slaves of old, they’ll just take everything you produce or have and they don’t care what color you are.

    Federal income tax; State income tax; Local income tax; Employee social security tax
    Employee Medicare tax, Property taxes, Road toll charges, State sales tax, Driver’s license renewal fee, TV Cable/Satellite fees & taxes, Federal telephone surtax, excise tax, and universal surcharge, State telephone excise tax and surcharge, Gas/electric bill fees & taxes, Water/sewer fees & taxes, Cigarette tax, Alcohol tax, Federal gasoline tax, State gasoline tax, Local gasoline tax, State inheritance tax, Marriage license, Hunting license, Fishing license, Dog permit/license, watercraft license fee, Individual health insurance mandate tax, License plate and car ownership transfer fees and taxes. AND MORE………….

    AND yet…. ME, the Governments of cities, counties, states and federal government are fuckin’ broke and in Debt.

  5. Your friends, neighbors, and even family members who get elected to public office will sooner rather than later start to devote more and more of their time, effort and attention on new ways to increase the tax input! Sorry, but that is just the way it is. Don’t believe me, you can look it up!

  6. If you want to ” Live ” in Chicago I would invest in a good bullet proof vest when you ara in public. Then you also have to upgrade your vehicle to some type of armor for expressway & Hood attacks over 30 xpressway shootings this year. Buy your soft drinks outside the city a new $ 1 penny an ounce tax is going to be instituted that applies to fountain drinks also. Cigarette and tobacco taxes are the highest in the country. Don’t forget to bring your own shopping bags to the grocery store a $7 cent per bag tax .another $300 annual increase in your water and sewer. The average single family dwelling property tax went up $ 750. The city is the # 1 place to flee from as statistics indicate Illinois is # 1 in people leaving . Don’t forget to turn off the lights when the last taxpayer leaves the Democratic paradise.

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