Highlights on a Lowlife – IOTW Report

Highlights on a Lowlife

No, it’s not Photoshop.
It’s a buttload of makeup, which is intended to ‘glow’ in sunlight or in artificial lighting, but you aren’t supposed to smear it all over your face like that!


35 Comments on Highlights on a Lowlife

  1. Remember: she is EIGHTY.

    Her face is stretched as thin as the truth of her words she says.

    She was nuts when she was young. Crazy young people get worse as they age.

  2. For anyone interested in the Technical terms:
    buttload * 10 = 1 butt ton
    butt ton * 10 = 1 assload
    assload * 10 = 1 asston
    asston * 10 = 1 shitload
    shitload * 10 = 1 shitton
    shitton * 10 = 1 fuckload
    fuckload * 10 = 1 fuckton
    Any way you slice it she’s so full of shit you’ll need a Poop Knife to figure out whut she’s saying!

  3. These fossilized geezers like pelosi biden schumer fauxi have some serious problems with cranial housing unit wiring. They are 80 and still lusting for power. If im still around at 80 i will be spending time doing relaxing things i enjoy. These ppl still want to fight and play politics every damned day, tho well past their prime. They must have zero hobbies and strange personal lives. They cant just retire relax and enjoy life? Pathetic

  4. She seems to be doing her own makeup lately. She draws her eyebrows on so that they go all the way down to cheeks.
    She still can’t seem to control her mouth movements.
    Don’t you love how she always has a color coordinated mask to go with her outfits?

  5. There was an old guy around the neighborhood when I was a wee lad who used to have a saying about putting the shine on shit. Now I know what he meant.

  6. She needs to be pit out to pasture. She’s past her prime.
    I can’t begin to imagine what that monster looks like without all the cosmetic assistance.

  7. @Buck Turgidson May 15, 2020 at 4:22 pm

    > If im still around at 80 i will be spending time doing relaxing things i enjoy.

    Fnck you, @Buck Turgidson! When I’m 80, I’ll still be makin’ sure the boxcars run on time.

    (Yes, I know anthropic globull warming is a myth. I’m not worried about my carbon bootprint. But there’s only so many hours in a day. So many cars you can fit on the track. When I’m 80, I still expect there to be people that need… uhm… re-educumating. So, I’ll be there. Unlike you lazy slackers!)

  8. Leftist Troll Writings 101:

    1. Emphatic, disconnected, often unintelligible diatribes.
    2. Calls to “action”, usually implies you don’t “get it”.
    3. Allegories, insinuation, insults if the above have no effect.
    4. Simply cannot get to the point.

  9. Bad_Brad
    MAY 15, 2020 AT 3:42 PM
    “Wow. She looks like she melting.”

    …perhaps someone got close with a bucket of water, and her security was only able to patially block it…

  10. THIS is the result of being denied Heaven and refused Hell.

    It walks among the denizens of the House, probably the most evil assemblage on Earth, and dictates its whims to the lesser imps.

    They (the lesser imps) slaver and drool over her ass which accounts for the shininess.

    izlamo delenda est …


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