Highly Accurate. – IOTW Report

Highly Accurate.

Shopping under Bidenomics.

11 Comments on Highly Accurate.

  1. I typically stop by the grocery store twice a week. Bananas only last 4 days. Three years ago I spent about $60 a week for the two of us. I am averaging $140 a week now without steaks.

  2. why does who one votes for matter? our current system of ‘voting’ is a sham to delude us in the proletariat into believing we have a ‘choice’ … there is absolute proof of vote manipulation on a large scale in every contested race in the country.

    you think Festerman won? the Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, Pennsyltucky elections of 2020 were legit? … they’ve perfected the fraud.
    republicans are never going to win any sort of majority ever again …. & they’re just fine w/ it

    (I understand the D’rats; they’re Satan’s spawn … but, it’s the republican I despise more … they pretend to be w/ us, but, when some backbone needs to be applied they turn to jelly … see current Mike Johnson

    when will the republicans grow a pair & stand against those that hate the United States? how about NEVER!!! … can I get an ‘Amen’? … CAN I GET AN AMEN!
    Hallelujah, brothers & sisters!

  3. Republicans have become centrists (which is a leftist) and democrats are leftist filth.

    Centrists are spineless shitbombs not unlike papists and libertarians.

    They are all equally worthless.

  4. Look no further than the current head of the RNC who lavishes millions on herself and cronies while ignoring tight races like Joe Kents’ in WA. People like Joe would make a world of difference is the EXACT treason why this cunt ignored him.

    Anyone that doubts the distillation that sundance provides ain’t paying attention. Rs want money and use power to get it. That’s almost bearable. But dems want power and use money to get it. Using that power you see the current nightmare we’re in and it’s only going to get worse. Neither “party” gives a fuck about us rubes & anyone that believes we have representation in DC is crazy.

  5. It was funny and makes a point, but if you don’t know the prices before you get to the checkout, you ain’t payin attention.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Let’s face it, this whole 7 or 8% inflation stat is seriously soft-pedaling the situation! While that is a monthly figure, I’m just surprised that this administration doesn’t cite DAILY inflation numbers!!
    Prices of some things, especially food items, have gone up 3 and 4 times what they were before Jackass Joe strangled our energy supply!
    That represents a 300 to 400% increase!!
    THAT is the real inflation and THAT is the real situation!!

  7. Just came back from grocery store. I bought a 7-lb ham for $6.95, and a 6-lb chicken for $8.13. Could have bought a 14-lb turkey, but it would have been $35! Jesus – it wasn’t that long ago when they would give them away for free if you bought $20 worth of groceries! God damn Joe Biden….


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