Highly Agitated or Just High? – IOTW Report

16 Comments on Highly Agitated or Just High?

  1. What a stoopid question from the taulking head…. Man I hate everybody!

  2. With his truckload of US dollars, he’ll escape Ukelele-land before the end of this one-sided slugging match is over. CNN will find a cushy job for him.

    He should not worry too much about his future. But if the Russkies find him before that, he can look forward to an expenses-paid vacation to Siberia, or a quick execution.

  3. Oh come on, he’s just melancholy. Geez, I think that’s the first time I’ve ever used that word. Anyway, he’s melancholy because he just found out with his ED he can co longer play the key board with his wiener. Ah, good times.

  4. Hitler was a big amphetamine fan. Cocaine is beginner amphetamine for rich folksโ€ฆ before they blow all their money on cocaineโ€ฆ ha ha haโ€ฆ amphetamine is better because it will literally overpower the whole system and you keep you rocking right into full blown psychosis and death.


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