Hilarious Memes From Tucker Carlson Supporters – IOTW Report

Hilarious Memes From Tucker Carlson Supporters

10 Comments on Hilarious Memes From Tucker Carlson Supporters

  1. From Charlie Kirk, more truth:

    Don’t get distracted by talk of Dominion, mean texts, an ex-producer, etc. That’s noise. Tucker told us explicitly why he was removed.

    Civil Liberties
    Emerging Science
    Demographic Change
    Corporate Power
    Natural Resources

    He threatened entrenched powers on “the undeniably big topics that will define our future.”

  2. If you consider one thing, though – money – it kinda makes all these memes, while hilarious, lacking truth.

    It doesn’t matter if Fox alienated its entire core base that supports Tucker when the company can’t sell ads to woke companies that have boycotted Fox because of Tucker. Fox wants to make more money by selling ad spots to woke companies. Without the baggage of Tucker, it can now do that. Fox is now woke. Will they go broke because of it, well, maybe, but consider literally every other network is woke and they aren’t broke, somehow.

    The real winner is indeed Tucker. He will make triple what he made at Fox.

  3. ” but consider literally every other network is woke and they aren’t broke…”

    Because they are funded to spew the propaganda of the Uniparty/Statists

    Only because your default presumption is the Free Market.
    Hahahahahahahaha! After the covid19 usurpation of all that was free??
    Printing money and giving it out selectively murdered all markets. May the dollar collapse, as it should.


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