Hillary 2.0? Data on New EU President’s Official Phone Wiped – IOTW Report

Hillary 2.0? Data on New EU President’s Official Phone Wiped

Breitbart: A criminal complaint has been filed after it was revealed that Germany’s Defence Ministry wiped data from the phone of its former boss and new European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen — echoing similar incidents involving Hillary Clinton in the United States.

Green Party defence spokesman Tobias Lindner filed a criminal complaint over suspected deliberate deletion of data from Ursula von der Leyen’s official phone from her time serving as Germany’s Defence Minister.

“We have to assume that people in office destroyed evidence. Such actions can have criminal relevance”, said Lindner in comments reported by Deutsche Welle.

“First they said von der Leyen’s phone could not be found, they didn’t know where it was. A week ago they said it was in the ministry, but only von der Leyen knew the PIN code, and yesterday they confessed that the relevant phone data had been deleted in August”, he added. more here

11 Comments on Hillary 2.0? Data on New EU President’s Official Phone Wiped

  1. “You mean like with a cloth”?

    C’mon folks, its just “routine maintenance”. Its not like she smashed it with a hammer or doused it with Bleach-Bit.
    Now THAT would be suspicious grounds on which warrant an investigation. Of course according to the Comey legal standards, you’d have to prove “intent”.

  2. Anonymous DECEMBER 22, 2019 AT 11:49 PM
    “Kevin Costner just endorsed Buttplug”

    Let’s hope Butt Gigg gets the nod. There’s no way in hell this country is electing a Fag. ZERO Black or Hispanic vote.

    WE already did. Twice!


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