Hillary admits she gets ‘overwhelmed at least a dozen times a day’ – IOTW Report

Hillary admits she gets ‘overwhelmed at least a dozen times a day’


American Mirror: While Hillary Clinton proponents liked to claim she was the “most qualified” person to ever run for president, she likely doesn’t rank among the most stable.

During a speech to Georgetown students on Monday, Clinton told the audience she gets “overwhelmed” by the events of the day.

“Now, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by all that’s going on in the world and on the world stage,” Clinton said.

“I know that. I get overwhelmed at least a dozen times a day,” she added.  WATCH




15 Comments on Hillary admits she gets ‘overwhelmed at least a dozen times a day’

  1. Juzt keeping up with the lies and the shallow graves accounts for most of her panics, I reckon. And Trump tweets about 5 times a day, so that probably covers the rest of the bottle. I recommend a good, long stint in solitary confinement.

  2. Only 12 times a day? Most impressive. Let’s see; 10 dozen names on Clinton body count, some henchmen still alive, at least 36 other felonies to keep hidden, no way of knowing which of her loyal sycophants is going to throw her under the bus, how many co conspirators are willing to sing for lighter sentences, how many people have copies of all her emails, what if the Russians decided to tell the truth, what if Bill makes a deal with prosecutors… Only 12 times a day?

  3. To quote Mac Robinson from the old “Night Comedy” sit-com . . . “Oh My Dear LORD!!!!” :^0 THIS mental midget wanted to be President?!?!?!?!? We didn’t dodge a bullet here, we dodged a 155 mm HOWITZER shell!!!!!

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