Hillary Aide Charged with Violations of Espionage Act and Conspiracy with Hostile Foreign Agents – IOTW Report

Hillary Aide Charged with Violations of Espionage Act and Conspiracy with Hostile Foreign Agents

CFP: Buried in the news of everything important by the Mainstream Media that is still protecting Hillary and Obama even after Donald Trump became president: Report what we need to report and cover up what we need to cover up.


Department of Justice memo:

“Candace Marie Claiborne is a U.S. State Department employee who possesses a Top Secret security clearance and allegedly failed to report her contacts with Chinese foreign intelligence agents who provided her with thousands of dollars of gifts and benefits,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General McCord. “Claiborne used her position and her access to sensitive diplomatic data for personal profit. Pursuing those who imperil our national security for personal gain will remain a key priority of the National Security Division.”

“Candace Claiborne is charged with obstructing an official proceeding and making false statements in connection with her alleged concealment and failure to report her improper connections to foreign contacts along with the tens of thousands of dollars in gifts and benefits they provided,” said U.S. Attorney Phillips. “As a State Department employee with a Top Secret clearance, she received training and briefing about the need for caution and transparency.”…

The rest is here

26 Comments on Hillary Aide Charged with Violations of Espionage Act and Conspiracy with Hostile Foreign Agents

  1. When the head of the State Department is raking in $100s of Millions of corrupt dollars, mismanaging the agency and breaking numerous laws, Hillary’s actions clears the way for others to do the same.
    If you cut a few legs off the centipede, you don’t stop it, until the head is cut off.
    But it’s been shown and proven many times, Hillary is too big to prosecute, let alone jail.

  2. When all is said and done History will record the time period when American had a mental breakdown and allowed a fat, ugly, evil, pig named Hillary Clinton (and her assorted and putrid minions) to get to the top of the hill and stay there beyond all human comprehension!

  3. Hillary Clinton was a shill for the Clinton Global Enrichment Foundation. Her tenure at the State Department was the Full Catastrophe. Think about it. This country has been so dumbed down during the last sixteen years, that millions of people believe she was the most qualified person to be elected president of this country. Of course, the Russians elected Donald Trump, not Bernie Sanders or Jill Stein. Lock her up! Give her a fair trial, but lock her up!

  4. A special prosecutor is needed for Hillary and her accomplices. She has to be put away once and for all.
    Letting her of the hook was a huge mistake.

  5. Unfortunately, our political royalty have decided that the laws of our country simply do NOT apply to them. Until we start educating our children in truth and justice beginning with the founding of our country, the Constitution and the men and women who have died to secure the blessings that too many take for granted, UNTIL we actually teach our children, this corruption will continue.

    The saddest time in my military career was after 2007 when I interviewed new High School Graduates for my unit. Since we were a Special Forces Unit that specialized in Weather support, I would ask the candidates about everything from math skills and science to national and international history and current politics. The answers I got, or more often, blank empty eyes, were the saddest thing I have ever seen.

    Do your country a huge favor, and educate your Children and Grandchildren, Nieces and Nephews, ALL the children. Your country needs educated citizens who understand and appreciate those who have died and purchased their Blessings.

    MSG Grumpy

  6. So is she going to a federal penitentiary? Or just exiled to her mansion in Bethesda or Georgetown next door to Lois Lerner, Koskinen, Holder, and all the other lying criminal rats that commit crimes of the highest order, but just walk b/c they are democrat?

  7. Remember all the scandals buried concerning China money and the Clintons? The week before Seth Rich was killed former President of the United Nations General Assembly, John Ashe, had his larynx crushed in a weight lifting accident just before he was to testify against Ng Lap Seng who illegally funneled Chinese money to Bill Clinton & the DNC. I recall another Chinese fellow who went to jail for illegal campaign contributions from China to the Clintons.

  8. “When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary …”

    We may have passed the point where our political “masters” and their sycophantic toadies of the Fourth Estate should be further tolerated.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. She was arrested and charged last March and released. There was supposed to be a preliminary hearing April 18.

    Can’t find any more info at all. Can’t find out if the April 18 hearing happened. Where is she now?

  10. @Jethro May 29, 2017 at 9:27 am

    > Hang her in a public square to send a clear message to all public servants. Watch the commies scurry…

    Haste makes waste
    (unless you don’t intend to chase them all down)

  11. With any luck, the charges against Ms. Claiborne are a ploy to get her to testify against Hillary. But I won’t hold my breath. Better to be in jail than the morgue.

  12. Stupid sow. Facing 25 years. The DoJ can tack on lots of additional charges if they choose.
    Half clever. Left trails of evidence: emails, “journal notes”, even Chinese wire transfers into her freaking US checking accounts. She’s a goner,and there equally guilty “coconspirators” not yet named.
    The charges are from late March, just being revealed now.
    The Swamp can be drained. Making an example of a few sends a clear message.

    Too bad we can’t just try her in front of a panel of combat infantry Captains, per UCMJ, then shoot her. Televised.

    Trump and the DoJ have the power to change
    all the rules of how civilian Treason is handled. If you want to continue to hold the privilege of a Security Clearance and a Federal paycheck, you should waive civil trial rights (national security) and agree to be tried by Court Martial. Trump can require this by stroke of a pen in departmental regulations.
    Don’t like the new rules? Resign.

    Drain the Swamp.
    With a vengeance.

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