Hillary Allergic To New Plane? – IOTW Report

Hillary Allergic To New Plane?

WORLD NEWS BUREAU – Hillary Clinton launched into yet another uncontrolled coughing fit while attempting to address reporters on her new campaign jet (below).

Clinton has said her increasing number of coughing episodes are the result of “allergies.”

Hillary berates her staff as she hacks up a lung


12 Comments on Hillary Allergic To New Plane?

  1. She is suffering from Carlos Danger’s disease. It comes from Huma contact. It causes coughing fits and hacking attacks. It can be transmitted to liberal media types from spittle, sputum, and shite. All of this has been consumed by the lackies on the left who pretend to be members of a free press.

  2. It would take Hillary unhinging her jaw and consuming a democrat’s live baby on national news for the press to find fault. Aborted baby parts are OK though.
    She who shall not be named.

  3. The ane is not new. It is a 14 year old hand-me-down. God knows what Soros did with it before. An enterprising reporter could find out who owns that plane and what it was used for previously. Could have been an Ebola bus for all we know. But whatever arrangement was made to put Hillary in that plane was likely illegal, so nobody will look too deeply. Hillary should get Ghost Hunters on board to check it out. Could be the ghost of Ron Brown.

  4. Mama, take this Blackberry off of me
    I can’t use it anymore.
    It’s gettin’ dark, too dark to see
    I feel I’m coughin’ on heaven’s door.

    Cough, cough, coughin’ on hell’s door
    Cough, cough, coughin’ on hell’s door
    Cough, cough, coughin’ on hell’s door
    Cough, cough, coughin’ on hell’s door

    Thump, put my lies in the ground
    I can’t spout them anymore.
    That vast right conspicery is comin’ down
    I feel I’m coughin’ on hell’s door.

    apologies to Bob

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