Hillary and Benghazi updates – IOTW Report

Hillary and Benghazi updates

Before we get started, watch this video of Hillary bursting out in laughter at the Benghazi hearing:

Hillary bad teeth

Roby said, “I don’t know why that’s funny. … I don’t find it funny at all.”

Hillary stated, “I’m sorry, a little note of levity at 7:15.”



Hillary Clinton admitted to the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Thursday evening that she broke the law in handling security for the U.S. consulate there.  [The rest at Breitbart]



Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speculated Wednesday that former Ambassador Chris Stevens must have been joking when he sent a question about security at the Benghazi consulate where he and three others later died. [The rest at Breitbart]



Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Wednesday that she still blamed a YouTube video for the terror attack in Benghazi on Sep. 11, 2012 that killed four Americans. [Breitbart]

SNIP: But here, the experts beg to differ…

6:05 PM: Clinton: “I believe to this day the video played a role” in the Benghazi attacks.

Jordan tells her the experts do not.

5:58 PM: Rep. Jim Jordan to Clinton: “You Raised the Video”

In response to Clinton’s comments about some Members of Congress having raised the YouTube video, Jordan points out that Clinton raised the video in her initial statement at 10:08 PM EST on the night of the attacks about an “inflammatory video posted on the Internet.”Jordan notes that Clinton said that an inflammatory video “caused vicious behavior” that led to the death of four Americans.

Clinton then reads her initial statement in full and claims there was “no cause” and “no motive” presented in her statement.

Jordan again emphasizes that “what bothers us” is that Clinton told friends and other foreign leaders that the attacks were terrorism while leading the American public to believe it was a “spontaneous” attack in response to a YouTube video.

“Privately your story was much different than it was publicly,” Jordan tells her. “Your story privately is much different that what you were telling the American people…. That’s what bothers us.”

Here’s the State Department’s initial statement on the Benghazi attacks that Jordan was referencing:

I condemn in the strongest terms the attack on our mission in Benghazi today. As we work to secure our personnel and facilities, we have confirmed that one of our State Department officers was killed. We are heartbroken by this terrible loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and those who have suffered in this attack.

This evening, I called Libyan President Magariaf to coordinate additional support to protect Americans in Libya. President Magariaf expressed his condemnation and condolences and pledged his government’s full cooperation.

Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet. The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. But let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind.

In light of the events of today, the United States government is working with partner countries around the world to protect our personnel, our missions, and American citizens worldwide.

[Continued at Breitbart]



17 Comments on Hillary and Benghazi updates

  1. I’m waiting for someone to tally up how many times she threw someone or some other department, or, ‘I don’t know who’ under the bus. I’d also like a tally on how many times she actually answered a question!

    I loved watching her squirm when the questioner would say they’d wait until she finished READING her notes, which were prepared by her staff! Brilliant.

    I also clearly noted that after the breaks, her coaching must have advised her the modify the reasoning behind the email to Chelsea, which would explain her later in the day reverting back to the lie about the video.

    I hated the wasteful campaigning, ass kisses of the creep from Washington and the bull dog lead democrat committee member. I won’t say their names, because they don’t deserve the respect of my naming them.

    But, I don’t care, if she did a full on, in your face admission, I doubt very seriously it would change the mind of even one of her robotic, mindless followers

    But it is good to get this crap on public record.

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