Hillary and Bill Clinton spotted in the Hamptons – IOTW Report

Hillary and Bill Clinton spotted in the Hamptons

I can’t even describe what I just saw.

h/t Benito.

42 Comments on Hillary and Bill Clinton spotted in the Hamptons

  1. LL Bean calls them “Every Fucking Clam that you can see diggers”….they make her look slimming or at least hide the catheter…..4.5 star rating on Amazon…..

  2. Hildebeast has the Chardonnay ass from that 2 bottle a day habit. Bubba looks like walking zombie or maybe he’s taking tranquilizers because he has to sleep with that thing.

  3. Just think: If Hillary had cheated enough to “win” the 2016 election, we would have had to endure 4 years hearing the press tell us what a fashion icon she is. She must be getting her fashion cues from Mooshele.

  4. @ Charlie: It can now be revealed that Hillary gets her fashion attire from “Omar The Tent Maker.”

    And she bribed someone to make sure he got on a C17 out of Afghanistan.

  5. Hmmm – when people criticized Trump as overweight, I would wonder if they had considered that either way we would have had an overweight President? Hillary hasn’t been near a Jenny Craig studio. God, those pant suits or pant tents – she wasn’t fooling anybody!

    It was the same thing in 2008 – everybody piling on Sarah Palin and we got Joe Biden as Veep. I used to say “thank God we don’t have a moron as VP”. It usually went over their heads.

  6. …I think it really speaks to their popularity that they can’t even walk down an exclusive beach without hired guns and hyperpartisan torpedoes.

    They are SO wildly popular, in fact, they would likely not last 5 minutes anywhere, not even at home, were they not ceaselessly guarded by Government thugs, and they know it, that’s why they HAVE them.

    Just sayin.

  7. Typically I would not comment on people’s looks. But in their case they have been propped up by the establishment media as icons in every aspect of life, so they should be ridiculed when they are exposed as not any better than the rest of us.
    The higher you climb the harder you fall.

  8. I find it hard to understand how the Clintons, some of the world’s finest grifters (does anybody think Haiti will receive any aid from the Clinton Foundation this time around?) don’t spend some of their ill-gotten gains on private chefs and health coaches. If I had their dough, I would have a personal trainer, personal chef, home gym. I would even have a couple of full length mirrors.

  9. Every day I wake, I thank God for all he’s given me, starting with the opportunity to live another day.

    It doesn’t look like Shrill & Bill share that joy.
    Their choices in life couldn’t be more different than mine.

    And that makes me happy too.

  10. @Bill – Rob Reiner, I knew I had forgotten somebody.
    I have asking for days if anyone had heard from Cher, Sean Penn or Alec Baldwin or that D-list nobody Kathy Griffin or the F-list nobody Alyssa Milano. I left out Rob Reiner – thanks for the reminder. I think we could run down the list of all of those beautiful people (looking at you Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks) who attended the Obama bash at his soon to be underwater oceanfront MV estate and notice that none of them have commented on the total CF in Afghanistan.

  11. Stop the World I Want to Get Off,
    That’s because they are (all) gutless, unprincipled, narcissistic, ignorant cowards.

    Good at what they do, but functionally illiterate and innumerate.

    izlamo delenda est …


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