Hillary: Bill’s tarmac meeting with AG Lynch was a ‘bad look’ – IOTW Report

Hillary: Bill’s tarmac meeting with AG Lynch was a ‘bad look’

The Last Tradition:

Hillary Clinton is as dense as Jennifer Lawrence, and that’s quite an achievement.
That tarmac meeting was mega-unethical!  Bill Clinton gave Loretta Lynch her marching orders not to indict his wife Hillary.  Let’s not pretend that wasn’t the real deal.

Daily Mail reports Hillary Clinton doesn’t believe her husband’s tarmac meeting with former Attorney General Loretta Lynch ruined public perception of her or cost her the election.

The former presidential candidate spoke to PBS while promoting her new book ‘What Happened.’   more

18 Comments on Hillary: Bill’s tarmac meeting with AG Lynch was a ‘bad look’

  1. I don’t know what is worse, the fact she thinks she can convince the ones who don’t believe a thing that comes out of her mouth or the fact she thinks she has to keep convincing her followers that they were right to listen to her lies to begin with.
    It aint happenin’ Hill, go away, please.

  2. And Hitler admits that the death camp thing was “bad optics”. As a side note, I’m finally able to use the internet after my home being flooded from Hurricane Harvey. The devastation is simply unbelievable. We were rescued by boat and were taken to an evacuation center. Thousands of homes for many miles around me were flooded and most much worse than mine. I’m better off than most but the human suffering is staggering. I received 51 inches of rain in five days at my home. My wife and I are OK and we have begun the long road to recovery. I’ve seen some very sad things and some very wonderful things over the last three weeks. Nobody is standing around bitching but working their tails off to recover. We are living in a new 5th wheel travel trailer that my wife’s employer has provided to us and they also paid for our home to be gutted from the four foot mark down. They provided her with a company car as we lost all our vehicles. Looting has not been an issue as we can kill them on the spot here and they know it. The US military has been great in bringing in food and supplies. I’ve just been told my F-150 will be OK. Overall, life is good in spite of the circumstances.

  3. @Hambone, with greens or peas?
    Luck on ya Bubba, love ya, mean it.
    The elevation witness marker was in my front yard on the island during David.
    It was in my front yard because that was the highest part of the island.
    Lucky, I was dry and had a generator and a well, clean water is first.

  4. “She admitted it was a bad look and blames Comey above Lynch.”

    Honey, everything about you or your mafia family, looks, feels, and is bad!

    There should be a book about the real American Horror Story- “THE CLINTONS TAKE ANY AND EVERY THING!”, with subtitle, ‘LAUGHING ALL THE WAY’.

  5. A ‘bad look’ was Bubba THE RAPIST pointing at us through the camera and LYING. Standing by her man, and pretending that she knew nothing is the reason that trashmouth woman should have never been elected.

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