Hillary Calls Uranium One Stories ‘Debunked’ – IOTW Report

Hillary Calls Uranium One Stories ‘Debunked’

The balls on this broad…

DC: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the stories about her and former President Clinton helping Russia obtain drilling rights in the U.S. through Uranium One have been “debunked” and are just people peddling “bologna.”

“I would say it’s the same bologna they’ve been peddling for years, and there’s been no credible evidence by anyone. In fact, it’s been debunked repeatedly and will continue to be debunked,” Clinton said in an October interview with C-SPAN. more here

29 Comments on Hillary Calls Uranium One Stories ‘Debunked’

  1. All credible evidence has been deleted, destroyed, redacted or hidden, thanks to DOJ, FBI, Sec. of State and the CIA. These agencies are the epitome of honesty, integrity, transparency and non-partisanship (just ask them).
    Therefore, Hillary feels safe to say, “corruption and payoffs by Uranium One is debunked”.

    Hillary has cornered the futures market in “bologna”. She peddles it at every media interview and book sales event. And surprisingly, people are buying it.

  2. Wow!
    I really expected her to say: “Yeah, we’re a bunch of crooks, and the media finally woke the fuck up!”

    I’m so surprised at her denial – more lies upon lies.
    Shocked, in fact.
    Yeah … *yawn* … shocked …

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “…it’s been debunked repeatedly and will continue to be debunked,..”

    Shouldn’t one debunking be enough? Sounds like the debunkings aren’t sticking. How many times until it stays debunked, Hillary?

  4. You didn’t see me, you can’t prove a thing. Where ever have I heard that before?
    The Clintons lie no matter what, when their lips are moving.
    It was a Disgusting video that killed all those poor people, oh and sorry about your son.
    I did not have sex with that woman.
    I had to dodge sniper fire. To name a few.

  5. No one has ever indicted her so her lies just grow bolder every time she commits a new felony.

    I seem to recall someone exclaiming “lock her up” on the campaign trail. I mistakenly believed that they meant were that were saying.

  6. My baloney has a first name it’s Hillary, My baloney has a second name it’s Clinton….Oh I love to dish it everyday and if you ask me why I’ll say No one has a better way of dishing out B-O-L-O-N-G-A

  7. She will lie right up until you rub a blue dress in her face.

    Then she won’t blame Bill. She won’t blame herself. She won’t blame the mistress.

    It’ll be the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and the media that should mind it’s own business. Kind of like Harvey Weinstein inventing the NRA as the outcost of his decades of rape and sexual assault.

    She will lie right up to the moment the truth is exposed and then it’s shift the blame time. But you do have to put up or shut up because she will never admit she did anything wrong.

    To wit, Russians, misogynists, women who hate themselves, racists, Comey, Weiner, etc., etc.

  8. Prosecutor: “We can introduce two witnesses who SAW you commit the murder.”

    HRC: “Well, I can introduce FIFTY who didn’t!”

    This is American Jurisprudence.

    izlamo delenda est …

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