Hillary Clinton Apologizes to Coal Country Over ‘Out of Business’ Comments – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton Apologizes to Coal Country Over ‘Out of Business’ Comments

NBC: […]Bo Copley, a West Virginian who recently lost his job at a coal company, teared up as he told the former secretary of state that he didn’t know how to explain his situation or her comments to his young children.


Seated beside his wife, Copley slid over a photo of his kids to Clinton, who was seated a just few feet from him at the community round-table discussion.

He questioned how she could say what she said at a CNN forum in March — “We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business” — and then “come in here and tell us how you’re going to be our friend.”  more

21 Comments on Hillary Clinton Apologizes to Coal Country Over ‘Out of Business’ Comments

  1. She certainly doesn’t look apologetic in that photo. She looks thoroughly annoyed and is trying to figure out who gets fired for letting this guy get so close to her.

  2. The guy was a shill – to give Clinton the opportunity to lie and make the spurious claim that she was misinterpreted by a deceitful press, when all she wants to do is save the world from the evil “capitalists.”

    She is a pathological liar, and the unemployed (by Obola and his evil, rancid socialist ideology) fools will gladly vote for her, to their own detriment, and to the detriment of this country.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I watched that whole exchange with the guy talking with tears about his family and their struggles… and she sat there, with an incredulous look on her face, blinking her eyes the whole time.

    Then she blames it on an ‘out of context’ comment? Who the hell would believe anything she says?

  4. Crying?? There’s no crying to the Bitch of Benghazi!! Man. Up.

    “Um, (sniffle) Missus Secretary Senator Clinton? (sob) What are you (sniffle) gonna do (sob) about all the coal-bullying?”


  5. “…blinking her eyes the whole time.”

    Trying her damndest to squeeze out a fake tear, no doubt. But Huma probably cried a river when she found out Hillary had dry eyes.

  6. “I’m gonna get up every single day trying to figure out what to do to help you provide the kind of future for your children that they deserve to have.”

    she’s going to help the people just like obama’s pivots to jobs every year for the last 7 years.
    by getting up every single day.

    see, first obama creates the coal crisis by using the epa to close down the coal producers best customer, electric plants. then hillary rides in to save the day by doing what? by trying to figure out how to help. not by rescinding the job killing regulations of course.

    who buys this crap anymore?

  7. Whats a few thousand votes in a coal county that you will not win anyway vs a few million in San Fran and NY that you will gain.

    She doesn’t give a shit, she said it to out commie the Bern and she meant it. Just like Obongo meant it when he promised to make the cost of electricity skyrocket.

  8. “Im sorry if you thought I have a damn about you and your barefoot hillbilly kids and your cousin-wife. Now vote for me and I will give you money!”

    And they call Ted Cruz Lucifer?

  9. He slid a picture of his kids to her?! While he was wimperiing?

    How would this panty waist stand up to the Sharia crowd coming to decapitate him after they rape his daughters (and sons) in front of him?

    If he represents a good portion of the electorate, Stick a Fork in it.

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