Hillary Clinton Calls for Non-Governmental Actors and Hackers To Lead the United States Military Into a Hot War Against Russia in Ukraine – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton Calls for Non-Governmental Actors and Hackers To Lead the United States Military Into a Hot War Against Russia in Ukraine

CTH: Let us not forget the history of Egypt 2011, Libya 2012 and the original U.S. State Department Ukraine operations in 2014.

Everything we are seeing in U.S. media surrounding U.S. interests in Ukraine is a massive propaganda operation with the headquarters in the U.S. State Department and U.S. intelligence community.  The sense of sympathy you are feeling is part of an intentionally manipulative operation from within this DC matrix.

The images, pictures, videos, speeches, soundbites and the cinematography broadcast by U.S. corporate media are all purposefully intended to create a very specific outlook within the American people toward the issues in Ukraine.  The leftist United Nations, and the leftist U.S State Dept, will work together on this just like they have done in the prior examples (Ukraine 1.0, Libya, Egypt, etc.)

If you question any of their constructs, if you point out the puppet strings, if you notice the collective distribution of specifically repeated patterns, you are a labeled a Russian apologist.  However, it is critical to retain our reference points to recognize when we are being misled by this effort.

This is not to say that Russian President Vladimir Putin is a good actor in this scenario, he’s not.  This is also not to say that Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a willful participant in this geopolitical scheme, he’s not.  Zelenskyy is stuck in a scenario that is not in his control. He is doing the best he can to avoid the worst outcome, which means he is aligning with the U.S. State Dept, because it is the least bad of the two current options. more here

36 Comments on Hillary Clinton Calls for Non-Governmental Actors and Hackers To Lead the United States Military Into a Hot War Against Russia in Ukraine

  1. Why is she so convinced of her superiority?
    No one else is.

    A compliant MSM means only that
    people who have been bribed before
    continue to listen.

    Hill-Ree is aging, admittedly or not,
    She is OLD HAT.

  2. More useless screeching from the failed “presidential contender” and rejected wife of a human trafficker and child raypist. Fact is that Putin waited slyly until the Buffoon Biden was installed by corrupt forces as “president”. Add that they wasted no time using this war as a laughable platform attempt to benefit themselves, with the windsock Biden advocating such a war and his comically fake “going toe to toe with Putin”. The sound of the gods are laughing uproariously in his withered ears and his fleeing to and hiding in Delaware (again) will not quiet them.

  3. Hey Anon above^^^, as you can see there is another Anon on the thread that is a total cocksucker.
    Therefore it would behoove you to chose a site name to differentiate you from said asswagon.
    You obviously have something to say and we welcome getting to know you.

    If you choose an alias we can all simply assume the Anonymous here are ignorant pricks.
    Regards, Loco

  4. If Russia invading Ukraine is “vital” to everyone’s freedom, why is Europe just twiddling its thumbs Hitlery?
    It’s not our fight.
    She’s using the same excuse W used to go into Iraq.
    She pushed for killing Gadaffi, who was evil, and now one of the biggest businesses in the country is slavery. The govt is unstable.

    Ya. We should trust her…not.
    Thankfully she’s not in office.
    Maybe she’s angling to be VP when Joe goes to assisted living.

  5. So all of a sudden it’s Russia, Russia, Russia.
    China eating our lunch in manufacturing, having spies over here in the US, funding Communist propaganda in colleges, threatening moves in the South China Sea, big money business deals with a lot of our supposed representatives in DC, all out of the news. Out of the public eye while they all scream for war.

    Isn’t that amazing that our politicians want to send our young people to die in a conflict we have no business being in to protect their bank accounts?

  6. No, I won’t let her die.

    It’s already hell down here, why would I want to make it any WORSE?

    You can keep her.


    *evil laughter*

    What, too cruel?


  7. Infowars is down right now. And I’m reading from the usual suspects about huge casualty numbers and destroyed materiel being suffered by the Russians. Weird. It’s almost as if Deputy National Security Advisor Daleep Singh‘s “story” is being told.

  8. “While the solemn scene was being broadcast, the network played an Applebee’s ad promoting five boneless wings for $1 with the purchase of a hamburger as the Zac Brown Band’s hit song Chicken Fried played. The scene from Kyiv was still shown in the bottom left of the screen.
    …’We are deeply concerned about the situation in Ukraine. When we were made aware that our ad was placed in this manner, we immediately reached out to CNN to pause our advertising on their network,’ an Applebee’s spokesperson told Forbes journalist Marty Swant.”


    Dammit, Applebee’s! Get with “The Story” they’re selling. Heroic Ukrainian patriots are dying because of your unserious attitude.

    (BTW, Daily Mail is one of the big purveyors of the “heavy Russian losses” story. I’d take that one with a grain of salt in this particular moment of mass media manipulation.)

  9. Hey, Hillary, put your money where your mouth is. I’m sick of democrat ideas at our expense. Grab a rifle, take your worthless fat ass to Ukraine. Either that or shut your Everclear hole.

  10. “Hillary Clinton Calls for Non-Governmental Actors and Hackers To Lead the United States Military Into a Hot War Against Russia in Ukraine”

    I agree. Take ’em all as they are. Strap ’em all into parachutes, give ’em all am M16, one empty magazine & a box of 5.56 ammo. Fly them in a C130 over to the Ukraine, the hottest battle zone. Open the back ramp of the plane & kick ’em all out. Let THEM figure put how to survive (or, most likely not) instead of putting the military youth in danger.

  11. “Strategic success in the 21st century is not about a physical land grab of territory; that’s what Putin has done. In this century, strategic power is increasingly measured and exercised by economic strength, by technological sophistication and your story – who you are, what your values are; can you attract ideas and talent and goodwill? And on each of those measures, this will be a failure for Russia.”—Daleep Singh, Deputy [USA] National Security Advisor

    And “The Story” continues…noted Conservative Inc bastion Hot Air, already pushing the “heavy Russia army losses” story, is also now pushing the “something’s wrong with Putin” story, via noted establishment Senator Marco Rubio. Who knos where Rubio got his info.

    “I wish I could share more, but for now I can say it’s pretty obvious to many that something is off with #Putin. He [Putin] has always been a killer, but his problem now is different and significant. It would be a mistake to assume this Putin would react the same way he would have 5 years ago,”Mr Rubio said on Twitter on Saturday.”


    Now, I’m not defending Putin, but it sure seems like “The Story” the Estab/Deep State wants to be told is being manufactured by piece. Take nothing you read or watch at face value. That video of a Russian APC running over a car could be this story’s dead Syrian boy on the beach.

  12. The predictably crafted narrative by the WH (disseminated by the legacy media) is that there is something “wrong” with Putin, either an illness or mental debilitation. This magnifies the urgency of the situation. An unstable homicidal maniac is much more dangerous than a deliberate intentioned homicidal maniac, or so the theory goes.

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