Hillary Clinton Claims She Has an “Indisputable Right” Not to Be Questioned Under Oath – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton Claims She Has an “Indisputable Right” Not to Be Questioned Under Oath

Lou Dobbs speaks to Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch. – 4 minutes.

18 Comments on Hillary Clinton Claims She Has an “Indisputable Right” Not to Be Questioned Under Oath

  1. Claiming something and proving it in Court are two different things.

    Law is law, and this would fall under various legislated and judicial subpoena laws. Overturn them for anyone an you overturn them for everyone.

  2. Anonymous
    MARCH 20, 2020 AT 12:39 PM

    “…Law is law, and this would fall under various legislated and judicial subpoena laws. Overturn them for anyone an you overturn them for everyone.”

    …well, not really. What makes Hillary special is that she kills people, sometimes by the planeload, and up to and including Supreme Court justices.

    …plus, most judges are Clinton synchophants anyway. She only kills what she can’t bribe, and she’s bribed a LOT more than she’s killed, as amazing as that may seem.

    …Not ALL of that Haiti money went to Chelsea’s wedding dress, you know…

    …so, a judge can either get a vacation bungalow in Martinique, or end up stuffing himself in a gym bag after shooting himself a couple of times.

    …not too surprising, then, that the Butcher hoofs out of yet another one scot free…

  3. look into this story with regards to hillary!
    she’s one evil witch
    it will make you sick

    “Adrenochrome Drug Trafficking”

    The very existence of this drug has been debated however, it seems odd, if it didn’t exist, why is it on the Addiction Library site with it’s definition, how it’s used, what the signs and symptoms of it’s use are and how to treat those addicted, if it wasn’t real?

    If you connect what we know about the pedophile rings in PizzaGate, Alefantis, the connection between Wikileaks, John Podesta, Tony Podesta, their relationship with Alefantis, the artwork in Tony’s house, the trails from the Lolita Express, the round up of MS-13 and the connects between this and the so-called Blue Bloods and all of these sealed indictments, the sex scandals and pedophilia in politics

    Convicted child abductor was caught stealing children in Haiti WITH THE CLINTONS!

    The individual in question is one Laura Silsby, former director of The New Life Children’s Refuge. She was caught trying to steal 33 children from the country, most of whom were not even orphans and had families.
    Hillary has a LONG history of interest in Ms. Silsby. Wikileak emails dating back till at least 2001 have been found in her archives discussing Laura’s NGO

    Sure explains why Clinton wanted late term abortions right up to the day of delivery..And ‘partial birth ‘abortions allows the baby’s head to be born they the doctor ‘stabs’ the baby in the base of the neck. Adrenochrome extraction? Can’t think of anything more terrorizing to an infant than forced birth.

  4. Given the current status of the world in collusion to destroy Donald Trump and his followers why should we doubt she’s exempt from questions.

    Did China and others collude to destroy America and Trump thru the use of the Chinese flu knowing that a preventative medicine exists to keep those in the know safe? How many people benefited from the stock sell offs that triggered the falling stock market?

    They couldn’t lose at anything that fuc**d up Trump’s America even a little bit — this was plan B after impeachment failed. What’s next?


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