Hillary Clinton Claims to Know More About Putin Than The CIA – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton Claims to Know More About Putin Than The CIA

GP: Hillary Clinton recently sat down at the FT Weekend Festival and claimed she knew more about Putin than the CIA.

Clinton shared with the FT Festival Panel that when she was the Secretary of State, President Putin shared a story about his parents that even the CIA had no knowledge about.

Clinton said that Putin’s father, Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin, rescued his mother from a pile of bodies during the siege of Leningrad.

The Former Secretary of State claimed that after Putin told her the story she went back to the entourage she was with, which included CIA agents, and shared the new information but discovered the CIA officers never heard the story before.

8 Comments on Hillary Clinton Claims to Know More About Putin Than The CIA

  1. Slow news week I suppose. Like Nuns that are sparkly fresh when dug out of the ground.

    Guess it all beats dwelling on our government hating half of the population.


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