Hillary Clinton: “I don’t know Bob Creamer” – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton: “I don’t know Bob Creamer”

Oh, but yes she does. And she left an old lady holding the bag. Project Veritas called her on it at her book signing. Watch for the details:

23 Comments on Hillary Clinton: “I don’t know Bob Creamer”

  1. Convicted felon… Bob Creamer? Wasn’t he responsible for hiring people to beat up anyone attending Trump rallies… while they stood in line? In front of their children and wives..! SCUM.

  2. No matter how many times Hillary or other bad guys get caught…there are NEVER any consequences as long as they have a “D” after their names. This will be no different. And it will protect Hunter and his daddy FJB, too. Dems are TOOOO big and too many of them are compromised for the party to tolerate any prosecutions regarding Biden Cartel. Since they own the FBI/DOJ…no prob.


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