Hillary Clinton, Not Joe Biden, Is Speaking to Foreign Leaders about Afghanistan – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton, Not Joe Biden, Is Speaking to Foreign Leaders about Afghanistan

Neon Nettle: Following Joe Biden’s disastrous pull out of U.S troops in Afghanistan, which has caused a massive vacuum of power from the Taliban, it also turns out he’s not even speaking to foreign leaders about the crisis, Hillary Clinton is.

Biden is yet to speak with any foreign counterparts folowing the Taliban’s take over of the Afghanistan capital of Kabul, security adviser Jake Sullivan confirmed.

“He has not yet spoken with any other world leaders,” Sullivan said during a briefing with reporters.

Sullivan noted that he and Secretary of State Antony Blinken had held regular calls with their own counterparts. more

25 Comments on Hillary Clinton, Not Joe Biden, Is Speaking to Foreign Leaders about Afghanistan

  1. Where is V.P. Mattress Back during all the chaos? Vietnam…. Is she in hiding? What exactly is she doing there? Why now during an administrative crisis? Something else is going on.

  2. I got this one for you, Sally Kohn.. l.

    Straighforward from here:

    1. Impeach Biden and Harris
    2. Constitutional Crisis
    3. Call Special Election
    4. Pelosi vs. Clinton
    5. President Clinton

  3. ThirdTwin – I can do better…

    Biden resigns
    Harris becomes Pres
    Harris appoints Obama as VP
    Congressional majority assents
    Harris resigns
    Obama becomes President completes final two years of Harris’ term.

  4. They are panicking and getting sloppy.
    They know we are closing in on them w/r/t the election. They are trying to push as much disaster upon humanity as possible before the populace starts tracking them down.

  5. Horseface must be busy on his bike listening to James Taylor.

    Q: Why is our government infested with incompetent idiots that nobody likes or respects? (dumb rhetorical question, I know)

  6. “We are deeply worried about Afghan women and girls,”
    If that were true, they would have stopped this month ago.
    It is obvious she is reading the script she was given.

  7. De Facto Hellary’s Hot Sauce will cure what’s ailing our allies. Just pour generously on Xiden’s broken promises and ignored documented agreements and her unofficial, illegal bullcrap will go down much better.


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