Hillary Clinton reportedly apologized to Obama after the election – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton reportedly apologized to Obama after the election

Michelle Malkin: 

**Written by Doug Powers

Now’s about the time the “inside stories” about election night 2016 emerge. Here’s one:

The book revealed that Hillary Clinton “softly” apologized to then-President Obama on the election night after he called to urge her to concede, according to a Washington Post book review.

According to Allen and Parnes, Obama pressured Clinton to concede first through White House political director David Simas, who called Clinton’s campaign manager Robby Mook.

“POTUS doesn’t think it’s wise to drag this out,” Simas said.


9 Comments on Hillary Clinton reportedly apologized to Obama after the election

  1. Cato,

    “Obama and Hillary needs to apologize to the Nation and it’s citizens for corruption, mismanagement, lack of leadership and for being failures.”

    We, the American public, are just as guilty for allowing it to carry on in-spite of the fact that the Founders, through their collective wisdom, gave us the exact and specific tools to remove the problem in the first place.

    We’re just as guilty.

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