Hillary Clinton Says Bill Didn’t Need To Resign Over Affair With ‘Adult’ Lewinsky – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton Says Bill Didn’t Need To Resign Over Affair With ‘Adult’ Lewinsky

Daily Caller:

Hillary Clinton said Sunday that husband Bill Clinton did not need to resign over his affair with intern Monica Lewinsky — “who was an adult.”

Clinton told CBS’s “Sunday Morning” that then-President Clinton did the right thing by staying in power, and the investigation into the Lewinsky affair “came out in the right place.”

Clinton was asked point blank if whether “in retrospect, do you think Bill should’ve resigned in the wake of the Monica Lewinsky scandal?”

Clinton responded, “Absolutely not.”

Asked if she thought the affair was “an abuse of power,” Clinton said, “No. No.”  MORE

20 Comments on Hillary Clinton Says Bill Didn’t Need To Resign Over Affair With ‘Adult’ Lewinsky

  1. So sez the lying, rotten, old, four-flushing, disingenuous, money grubbing, influence pedaling, cold, calculating, deceitful, divisive, Benghazi-Bullshitting, seditious criminal business partner of a bicycle seat-sniffing Arkansas trailer park troll who was convicted of perjury, impeached and disbarred.
    Always consider the source! Someone with the personality of a piece of rusty barbed wire who’s dishonesty is only exceeded by her unbridled greed and lust for money, control & power! is simply NOT to be trusted…EVER!

  2. Another soft interview for Mrs. Clinton. So was it okay that Bill raped Juanita Broaddrick and paid off Paula Jones? You can accuse anyone of anything, the only thing she is right about is there is a big difference, Bill did it all – there was incontrovertible evidence. He was caught lying and impeached. Of course for her the result was correct, the power hungry Clintons got to stay in the WH and to rehab Bill’s image they started a foundation and have made themselves wealthy beyond imagination.

  3. No, he shouldn’t have resigned for his “affair” with Ms. Lewinski.

    He should have resigned (prosecuted and executed) for being a lying, thieving, traitorous scumbag.
    Remember the Buddhist Temple payoffs?
    Remember Vince Foster?
    Remember Waco?
    Remember Ruby Ridge?
    Remember the Chinese getting our ICBM telemetry?

    Just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. They still can’t take any of that filthy lucre with them after they croak, it will all go to Chelsea. And like Solomon said despite all the riches we accumulate and the pleasure we seek etc. it’s all meaningless (without God) and there is nothing new under the Sun. Boy howdy, are they in for a big surprise after they’re gone.

  5. No one cared who Bill was boinking Hitlary. We MIGHT have cared if we thought he was stupid enough to be doing you and that you weren’t just a prop. We want the money back that his lying cost American people!
    I think Chelsea should pay.

  6. Cold blooded, lizard people.

    How about this question:

    Hillary, its rumored that Bill has sex with a woman called The Energizer Bunny for the last decade. Are you a Cuckquean?

    Similarly, if he became The First Dude, could we expect him to continue shtupping girls ten years younger than your daughter while you sniff the sheets?

  7. If Bill Clinton’s Presidential Seal hadn’t been found on Monica Lewinsky’s infamous blue dress, the Clintons were going to portray Lewinsky as a deranged stalker, a fantasist, a mental case with no proof of her childish obsession. Hillary Rodham Clinton was going to stand by her man and his lies. She finally paid the price for that position when she lost to the one Republican candidate she couldn’t out maneuver.

  8. @Cliche Guevara October 15, 2018 at 9:46 am

    > How about this question

    How about we stop with all the “Just another question”s?
    And just get on the the nooses she promised us.

  9. So fake victims like Christine Ford and Anita Hill are celebrated as heroines, and lauded with high-paid careers, awards ans speaking engagements, while Monica is still kicked to the curb and treated as trailer trash by the left.

  10. I see in the photo that Hillary has been practicing her “oral technique” in an attempt to regain Bill’s attention. It won’t work; there is always the danger he might look down. It would be like saltpeter.

  11. I try not to pray for this woman to drop dead, but I have to tell you it is hard to refrain from that. She’s caused so much pain and damage and death, and she and syphilitic Bill are still out there grifting and blathering. 🙁


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