Hillary Clinton, Skolkovo And Her Donald Trump Re-election Problem – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton, Skolkovo And Her Donald Trump Re-election Problem

9 Comments on Hillary Clinton, Skolkovo And Her Donald Trump Re-election Problem

  1. Is it any wonder that the establishment ruling class wants Trump removed, and citizen reporting (thank you Rush Limbaugh and Andrew Breitbart) shut down? We’re a thorn in their side.

    Keep up the good fight. Thank you Dan Bongino, we will prevail.

  2. the democrats are going to loose, big, in november 2020.
    I see two, at least, scenarios:
    1) the democrats nominate hillry, she looses again & the country is treated to several more years of her bleating about why she lost.
    2) the democrats nominate anyone else to run……hillry loudly scolds the democrats, and everyone, telling them she would have won, again…..
    take your pick

    TRUMP 2020

  3. @Ah Clem:

    3) The convention collapses in chaos. Hillary descends the stairs like Norma Desmond and declares: “I’m ready for my closeups, Mr. Perez.” The nice men in the white suits escort her to the waiting ambulance. Against all logic, Mike Obama is declared the winner. Democrats stay home in November. Trump is re-innagurated in January.


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