Hillary Clinton Spotted Out in New York City Looking ROUGH – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton Spotted Out in New York City Looking ROUGH

It looks like Hillary Clinton has been drinking a little too much Pinot Grigio.

40 Comments on Hillary Clinton Spotted Out in New York City Looking ROUGH

  1. “a little rough”???

    a little rough don’t seem to capture the moment.

    a fucking pig has a better ring to it or

    a fucking scummy cunt

    I know, I have a way with words.

  2. The aging gutter snipe appears to be deep in her cups.
    I wouldn’t be surprised to find that she was politely asked to leave the establishment because of her loud and boorish behavior.
    Swilling drinks, making vulgar sexual comments about other diners daughters in attendance and loudly passing gas to the amusement of the others seated with her.
    I’d pay to see the floor show she put on!

  3. @No mercy…

    I think every enemy she offs drains a little bit of life from her. And she’s showing the decay caused by the recent sUiCiDe of the reporter who broke the story of Bill & Loretta’s tarmac meeting.

  4. Looks like she has been drinking heavy cream to me. By the gallon. You could stick her in the top if the head with an ice pick and pit a wick in it and have a candle that would burn until the turn of the century.

  5. President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton is appearing in a Netflix movie called “Jowls Two” about her efforts to kill the big shark that sank her boat in the waters off Long Island. She’s going to need a bigger boat to store all the vodka and Chardonnay she takes on board to ease the pain of losing her destiny.

  6. This is what the “most qualified person to ever runs for President of the United States of America” looks like gone to seed after a great arse kicking. If I had a heart, it wouldn’t go out to Her Hagness.

  7. Agatha is right. Those two stuck together for life like two mating cur dogs is more satisfying for our sense of justice and revenge than any conventional long term prison sentence.
    They couldn’t have a more torturous curse than each other.


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