Hillary Clinton thinks an AR-15 is an automatic weapon – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton thinks an AR-15 is an automatic weapon


So, this just happened at the Democratic debate. While talking gun control and manufacturer liability, Hillary Clinton said the semi-automatic and fully legal “AR-15” used by Adam Lanza to murder 20 kids and 6 adults and the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT was an “automatic weapon.”


9 Comments on Hillary Clinton thinks an AR-15 is an automatic weapon

  1. I like to see a enforceable law created that states that anyone who even suggests any form of gun control would be deemed ineligible for official office, a teacher, college professor or any other bureaucratic leadership position and that anyone currently holding such office that suggests gun control be charged with treason, tried, found guilty, and then sentenced to 25 years in Leavenworth.

    Anyone suggesting gun control after serving a 25 year term should be immediately subject to summary execution.

    We have the 2nd Amendment in place to guarantee against EXACTLY what we are letting the fucktards get away with.

    I hope I live to see the day when these bastards end up like Mussolini – swinging from a lamp post.

    You’ll never take my guns, and you’ll never force me to register my guns.

    Now, for you slimeballs that spy on our posts, I know that you know where I live – come and make an example out of me like you tried to do with Lavoy Finicum. You want to play Russian Roulette with American patriots with guns? I’m your huckleberry.

    Because I don’t fucking care anymore.

  2. It is already illegal to enforce or prosecute anyone for owning or carrying a firearm.
    Denying civil rights (in this case, the right to keep and bear arms) under color of law is a federal crime that is punished with imprisonment.

  3. Hillary NEVER tells the truth. She has stomped on everything right or ethical, or honorable. Always changes her speech to encompass what she thinks will speak to her audience.

    Chameleon Hillary, you’ll never see her true colors, because selfish, conniving, murderous, money grubbing, lying, bitches don’t have any color.

  4. I don’t think the phrase “semi automatic” has ever exited a Democrat pie-hole. It is banned by the DNC. They have special seminars, with shock-collars and primary challenges if necessary, to enforce the ban.

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