Hillary Clinton Withdraws From Cybersecurity Conference Speaking Gig, Citing ‘Unforeseen Circumstance’ – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton Withdraws From Cybersecurity Conference Speaking Gig, Citing ‘Unforeseen Circumstance’

Epoch Times: Former secretary of state and first lady Hillary Clinton withdrew from a cybersecurity conference where she was slated to be the keynote speaker.

Clinton was touted as a speaker at the FireEye Cyber Defense Summit in Washington, scheduled for Oct. 9 and Oct. 10.

FireEye said Clinton and FireEye CEO Kevin Mandia were going to have a discussion “on the geopolitical landscape and its implications for global cyber security today.”

But the company said in an email sent this week that Clinton would no longer be participating. The email was published by cybersecurity expert Nate Cain.

30 Comments on Hillary Clinton Withdraws From Cybersecurity Conference Speaking Gig, Citing ‘Unforeseen Circumstance’

  1. Payola.
    A Clinton won’t take a shit without somebody paying for it.
    My guess is that she still got the money, they just asked her to forgo.
    She (and Bill) have been selling out to the Chinks since the 80s and this was (probably) another “meet and greet” for the Chinks and the Cyber-Security guys to co-ordinate their espionage activities – which can be implemented without her actually being there.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. …kind of a shame. Weak operators make strong machines, in that you don’t find the flaws in logic you wrote until some userboy starts poking keys.

    … the way to use Hillary in this venue is to give her a computer and let her be Hillary, with all the attemping to circumvent safeguards from both her on the inside and the whole world’s cyberterrorism forces on the outside, and then figure out how to counterprogram so even a person who is both stupid AND evil can’t get around your safeguards no matter HOW hard they try to hide things from Congress.

    …if you can do THAT, you have TRULY made a secure system indeed, but you could NEVER do that without a Hillary to show you the weaknesses…

  3. I’m with Lazlo. Irony indeed.

    The cubersecurity people only realized how stupid they looked when people started sending complaint emails. Having Killary there is the equivalent of writing code with a crayon

  4. doubt it was she who withdrew.
    They should just go ahead and cancel the entire conference, as they have already shown one of the greatest defenses in cyber security- denial of access.
    Now they will go the ‘don’t change the program, change the documentation’ route to explain it away.


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