Hillary Clinton’s email woes persist after election: ‘Nothing has been settled’ – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton’s email woes persist after election: ‘Nothing has been settled’

WashingtonTimes: They won’t now complicate a Hillary Clinton presidency, but the emails from her time in the State Department will still trickle out over the next months as the administration tries to clean up the mess Mrs. Clinton left.

Though President-elect Donald Trump has signaled that he would halt any official federal investigations into Mrs. Clinton’s activities as secretary of state, groups that have driven the issue say they will continue to press the legal cases that have forced the release of tens of thousands of her emails and could still pry loose thousands more.

“Nothing has been settled,” said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, one of the groups that has pressed for more transparency from the Obama administration. He said the issues go much deeper than Mrs. Clinton alone.

The fight for transparency in Mrs. Clinton’s emails has broken major ground in open-records laws, with several rounds of legal battles to come.

Both sides will be in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on Tuesday to argue over some emails that the State Department withheld. Judicial Watch says the emails show evidence of misconduct at the department.  read more here

9 Comments on Hillary Clinton’s email woes persist after election: ‘Nothing has been settled’

  1. I don’t believe Trump “has signaled that he would halt any official federal investigations into Mrs. Clinton’s activities as secretary of state” but rather that HE wouldn’t pursue it. I suspect AG Sessions will do as he see’s fit.

  2. It did sound like DJT was leaning toward letting her slink away to Chappaqua unmolested.
    Now with this recount BS as her thank you to his generosity , I’m hoping he has reconsidered and will bring full force of Federal justice against the Clinton Fdn and everyone connected with bribery, influence selling, sale of State secrets, etc.

  3. Hung Jumper: You are correct, sir!. He said “he didn’t want to hurt them, they are good people” The press distorted this to mean no further investigations, so when Trump Justice Dept. DOES pursue her they can then call Trump a liar.

  4. Trump must never interfere (or weaponize) The DOJ, IRS, FBI, VA because that would make him as bad as obama and his evil doers. The Donald will appoint the right people and they will independently follow the laws. Whistle blowers will be coming out of the woodwork all over the place.

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