Hillary Clinton’s Emails Were Sent to Gmail Address Similar to Name of Chinese Company – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton’s Emails Were Sent to Gmail Address Similar to Name of Chinese Company

Epoch Times:

All but four of the 30,490 emails from Hillary Clinton’s unauthorized email server were forwarded to a private Google email address featuring a name similar to a Chinese company, according to documents released by a Senate committee on Aug. 15.

Virtually every email that was sent to and from the Clinton-email server was forwarded to “carterheavyindustries@gmail.com,” which raised concerns that a foreign actor gained access to Clinton’s emails after an intelligence community inspector general (ICIG) investigator searched Google for “Carter Heavy Industries” and came up with a result for Shandong Carter Heavy Industry Co., Ltd, according to the documents (pdf).

Shandong Carter Heavy Industry is a Chinese manufacturer of excavators and heavy machinery. The company did not respond to a request for comment.

Frank Rucker, the ICIG investigator, and Jeanette McMillian, an ICIG attorney, told the FBI about the anomaly on Feb. 18, 2016, at a meeting which included Peter Strzok, who had just taken over as the section chief heading the investigation. Rucker told Congress that Strzok was “aloof and dismissive” and didn’t ask many questions.

Strzok has since gained notoriety for text messages he exchanged with FBI attorney Lisa Page, with whom he was having an extramarital affair. The pair expressed bias against then-candidate Donald Trump and in favor of Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign.

McMillian told Congress that her understanding of the Carter Heavy Industries email address was that it was a “drop box” to which the emails from the Clinton server were sent in real time.

“Even if you didn’t address an email to this address, the email went to it anyway,” McMillian said. read more

9 Comments on Hillary Clinton’s Emails Were Sent to Gmail Address Similar to Name of Chinese Company

  1. Well, fortunately there was no espionage so there was no need to get an arrest warrant to charge anybody with shady dealings of transferring state department communications to foreign hostile countries. /sarc

    Good job “investigators”!

  2. the Commie Chinks are masters at spying on and compromising our gummint, thanks to Democrat Party politicians. Killary’s half-assed POS email server and Dianne Feinstains Chink spy staff asst/ limo driver.


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