Hillary Clinton’s gun-free dream – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton’s gun-free dream

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WT: For years, Hillary Clinton has aggressively pushed for stricter gun control laws in America.

As she wasted time calling for increased gun control, blaming gun manufacturers and attacking the NRA, American lives were taken at the hands of criminals and terrorists.

Gun control laws didn’t save these Americans and more lives will be lost if Mrs. Clinton is sent to the White House.


6 Comments on Hillary Clinton’s gun-free dream

  1. The problem is not the responsible gun owners. None of the gun crime is caused by CCW permit holders or NRA members, so here’s a novel idea – and it’s real easy:
    If you are convicted of a crime using a gun you forfeit ALL government aid for you and anyone related to you (notice I didn’t use the word family). This shit isn’t going to stop unless there is a heavy price to pay!
    Don’t do the crime if can’t afford to lose the Guvmint Dime!
    Things will turn around real quick, including the Federal Debt!!
    Correct me if I’m wrong FDR, but unfortunately there’s not a chance in Hell of this getting passed cuz it’s only year 52 of LBJ’s promise to keep those n!*gers voting democRat for 200 years!

  2. Bloodthirsty, liar, bribe solicitor, corrupt-to-the-core, complete tool of Democrat plutocrat/oligarch* class. Most here could probably spill gallons of electronic ink on how shitty the Clinton Crime Family and their associates are.

    The NeverTrump people who call themselves Republicans are either nuts or they are showing themselves as nothing but opinion manipulators for the oligarch class who favor One Party Rule with a veneer of representative democracy .

    Hitlery makes Lady Macbeth look like Mary Poppins. Despite Trumps character flaws he’s several orders of magnitude better (or at least less bad) than Hitlery.

    *- I do not use the term oligarchy lightly in the way Leftists use “Nazi” on Trump. If you look at Plato’s five types of regimes there’s quite a bit that rings true, especially this characteristic of Oligarchy:

    “Poor performance in military campaigns: An oligarchy will usually do poorly in military campaigns because the rich, who are few, will make a small army, and they are afraid to give weapons to the majority (the poor) due to fears of a revolution.”

    see Wiki link- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plato's_five_regimes

  3. It is the dream of every would-be tyrant and the reality of every established tyrant.

    Tyranny cannot exist if the populace is armed.


    That is the purpose of “gun control,” or more precisely, “weapons control.”
    “The Thirty” of Athens outlawed knives carried outside the home, which made “The Thirty’s” bully-boys with dirks masters of the Forum.
    Charlemagne outlawed “pikes” (sharpened sticks) in the hands of peasants, ceding “Normandy” to the Normans (Ha!) rather than arming the peasants, of whom he was mortally terrified (with good reason).
    After 1928 German Jews could no longer own cutlery, guns, or any other weapons of self-defense or offense (again, with good reason).
    Englishmen had to have permits to carry canes and umbrella design was strictly controlled (don’t know if this is absolutely true, but I’ve heard it mentioned).
    Scots were forbidden their ceremonial dirks after Culloden.
    Sikhs were denied their ceremonial kirpans.

    izlamo delenda est …

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