Hillary Clinton’s old campaign law firm uses China excuse to avoid Carter Page lawsuit – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton’s old campaign law firm uses China excuse to avoid Carter Page lawsuit

Perkins Coie’s claim of “stateless” entity wins at federal appeals court level. Is Supreme Court next?

Just The News:

The Perkins Coie law firm that helped Hillary Clinton’s campaign fund the now-debunked Steele dossier is using a China excuse to avoid being sued for defamation by former Trump adviser Carter Page. And so far, it is working.

“Three Perkins Coie partners are ‘stateless’ U.S. citizens domiciled in China,” the lawyers representing the firm and the Democratic National Committee argued in an appellate brief earlier this year. “That statelessness is imputed to Perkins Coie and forecloses the existence of complete diversity of citizenship in this case.” File 23 – 2021.02.16 – Appellee DNC Brief.pdf

In a little noticed ruling in late June, the 7th Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals in Chicago accepted the Washington D.C.-based firm’s claim that it was a “stateless” entity that can’t be sued in federal court.

“In response to our concerns regarding subject matter jurisdiction, Perkins Coie submitted affidavits from three individual partners who are U.S. citizens domiciled in China: Yun (Louise) Lu, Scott Palmer, and James M. Zimmerman,” the court noted.

“We adhere to this same reasoning and conclude that Perkins Coie (as a named defendant) takes on the stateless status of its individual partners Lu, Palmer, and Zimmerman,” it added. “This attribution of statelessness destroys complete diversity and deprived the district court of the power to hear this case. File USCOURTS-ca7-20-02781-0.pdf

The appellate judges acknowledged the legal theory of federal court immunity for “stateless” entities was novel and based on laws created before the rise of multinational corporations and it may be ripe for review by the U.S. Supreme Court.  read more

14 Comments on Hillary Clinton’s old campaign law firm uses China excuse to avoid Carter Page lawsuit

  1. Dang I wish she’d reach her expiration date. If she stank when she was young you can only imagine what she smells like now. Please Hillary, make the world a better place and die.

  2. Bill could be thinking: “I bet she’s thinking about other women” with just as much reason.
    And I’m pretty sure that Bill had a few killed on his orders, as well.
    Probably why they own 5 homes – so neither of them knows where the other is staying on any particular night.
    The slimy pieces of shit deserve each other.

    izlamo delenda est …

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