Hillary Clinton’s plans to cripple the American coal industry – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton’s plans to cripple the American coal industry

7 Comments on Hillary Clinton’s plans to cripple the American coal industry

  1. exploiting natural resources, whether it’s coal or uninformed voters, is the first step to wealth creation.

    politicians seem to prefer the latter.

    Trump is not a politician.
    Funny the establishment politicians on both sides and the msm don’t quite know how to take him out.

    Trump doesn’t play by their set of rules and they don’t seem to get it yet, good thing average Americans do.

  2. You can’t say it any plainer. The left is doing the bidding (and the business) of the Communists. It is their goal to weaken America any way possible thru ” Man-Made Global Warming” and Political Correctness. They will destroy the Coal industry, reduce its value down to next nothing so that China can come in and buy it for a dollar then turn around and take our coal for uncontrolled burning.
    They’re already doing it now. They just want it for next to free.
    It’s all part of how we re-pay them.

  3. This b!tch doesn’t even stop at having a
    Public position and a Private position…
    …she takes BOTH sides publically!

    Where *I’m* from,
    that’s just a Goddamned LIAR.

  4. She’s giving our uranium to the Russians, for profit of course. Money is the most important thing to Hillary. She doesn’t give a shit about what happens to Americans as long as it doesn’t hurt her rapidly expanding bank account.

  5. It is not just about driving the coal companies out of business. This is just step one.

    Next, those coal mines will be sold, for pennies on the dollar, to Chinese State-owned companies. Next, these companies will import Chinese prisoner slave labor – just like they have in Canadian coal mines – and then they will export our coal for use in Chinese coal-fired power plants.

    I really wouldn’t be too surprised if they also bought old American coal-fired power plants, disassembled them, and shipped them to China.

    What Hillary’s plan for America looks like for White people:


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