Hillary Clinton’s “Researchers” – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton’s “Researchers”

Conservative Treehouse: I’m going to walk through a long-held hypothesis of sorts, surrounding how multiple institutions within government were weaponized around politics. The foundation is what we already know about how the intelligence apparatus was politically weaponized by multiple Obama-era officials.

Jeff Carlson has assembled a strong and in-depth outline covering most of the weaponized intelligence agencies and how they related to “spygate” – SEE HERE

However, there has also been a strong suspicion that most of the corrupt origination activity would never surface.

The downstream ramifications to the institutions of our IC apparatus would be too destructive. What follows below is the story that will never reach sunlight officially.

When reading the Department of State (DoS) letter today, I cannot avoid reviewing the information against the backdrop of known DoS corrupt political activity that extends beyond the Clinton emails scandal.   For this explanation, here’s the excerpt that matters:


Forget Clinton’s motives for a moment. We all know her “request” was a proactive measure due to the likelihood her clearance was going to be forcibly revoked.  Requesting the removal avoids multiple political and logistical issues of her security file being damaged by a forced revocation.  The request is transparent in motive; so lets get beyond the surface issue.

The “researchers” who Secretary Clinton designated is the topic of interest; and the redacted identifications therein are telling.   more here

15 Comments on Hillary Clinton’s “Researchers”

  1. It was done for the reason the article states. A vain attempt to keep her sec clearance clean. And to head off at the pass attempts to investigate the things she did with it, including her researchers.

    And the leftards in the press are all spinning it, ok, lying their asses off about this and claiming altogether different motives.

  2. The U.S. government doesn’t want the previous corrupt use of the system to surface, because that could potentially put the entire intelligence system at risk… The public might demand the entire system is dismantled. As a consequence even the non-corrupt entities within government are not in position to make the jaw-dropping weaponization public.

    Someone needs to call in a “safety check.” Anyone “mentally differently abled” enough to string those letters together, can not be safely left alone. Or in an area with AC power, nor DC over 9 volts, even with a chaperon, unless they’re wearing a straight jacket and a full face helmet.

  3. However, here’s the punch in the gut. The U.S. government doesn’t want the previous corrupt use of the system to surface, because that could potentially put the entire intelligence system at risk… The public might demand the entire system is dismantled. As a consequence even the non-corrupt entities within government are not in position to make the jaw-dropping weaponization public.

    Does this explain what we’re dealing with now: that there’s a chance of busting up the Republic if the truth comes out?

    If so, I submit we’re cooked. Dead meat.

  4. So who else has tossed their SC over the WH fence in protest? Now that Hillary has deployed her narrative, who else will step forward in solidarity with it? Like when she said she had pneumonia on 9/11/16, and everybody eye-rolled, so the next day her whole staff was talking about the pneumonia they’d just recovered from. She’s got some dedicated, fanatical pallbearers. I’ll give her that.

  5. @Jimmy- “Does this explain what we’re dealing with now: that there’s a chance of busting up the Republic if the truth comes out?”

    It will be devastating, but it must be done. The corruption cannot persist. There are far too many intelligent, dedicated and patriotic citizens to let our system fail. Whatever the extent of disruption it will be rebuilt and restored. I’m all in, and we need to go with it.

    THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated….
    Tho. Paine December 23, 1776

  6. Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and these political hacks, sycophantic mouthpieces, congenital prevaricators, and Chardonnay pourers helped the Osmidgen Administration create the most successful four years of American foreign policy since President Lyndon B. Johnson convinced Ho Chi Minh to allow South Vietnam to pursue Democracy as an alternative to Communism. How will the Trump Administration be able to function without the advice of these dedicated veterans of the successful transition from ruthless dictatorships to peaceful democracies during the Arab Spring? Why are the people who helped convince Mummar Gaddafi that he should assent to the gentle transfer of power to the benevolent Forces of Libyan Democracy being forced to surrender their security clearances? Didn’t these same public servants assist the former president in his quest to reset relations with the Russians and the Macedonian Content Farmers from truculent rigidity to wonderful flexiblility? If anyone wants to object to this, a strongly worded letter to President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton would be greatly appciated. She is not currently communicating with her supporters using emails for some unknown reason.

  7. I’ve grown beyond tired waiting for that criminal bitch to be arrested, just for past well documented and prolific illicit activities.

    She and all of the demoncrats and their thugbots inciting violent, riotous behavior, need to be arrested.

    Where the HELL is Sessions on the attacks on individuals? Where the HELL is Sessions on disruptions of businesses by “protestors”?

    Is the reason Sessions isn’t calling for special counsel on Hildebeast, that he is still recusing himself from ‘Russian’ investigations, and her filthy paws and hoof marks are all over her past and friendly concessions with Russia?

    I’m just so tired of the double standard of justice and lack of ethics of our Federal government. Sometimes I fear President Trump will get mired down by the constant diatribe of the madness called the left.

    But sometimes it is interesting to watch the commie left pour gasoline on themselves and self-combust.

    It should be quite interesting to watch the election results. I often feel like America just doesn’t have a chance with the Rogue Blue Wave, that follows no rules of law or decency. But when I see President Trump at his rallies, and witness the crowds’ enthusiasm, I gain hope that the Trump Tsunami will wash the Blue Wave out to sea!

  8. Hillary and her researchers kept their security clearances the two years after her resignation and well into the first year of Trumps presidency. Mean while, Obama removed the barriers between agencies to allow for secured information to flow through out his administration.

    Bottom line: Obama made all the intel information possibly available for Hillary to do opposition research on her opponents during and after the election. When that didn’t work they made up stories about what they had found to insinuate that the Trump campaign had colluded. They also used the intel community (i.e. Brennen’s CIA) to try to create some kind of link between Russians and members of the Trump campaign. They went to every length they could to create a narrative that would discredit her republican challenger and hand the election over to Hillary.

  9. @Dr. Tar October 13, 2018 at 2:22 pm

    > Hillary and her researchers kept their security clearances the two years after her resignation and well into the first year of Trumps presidency.


    > Mean while, Obama removed the barriers between agencies to allow for secured information to flow through out his administration.

    Change. Bush built that.


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