Hillary Clinton’s security clearance removed ‘at her request’ – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton’s security clearance removed ‘at her request’

FOX: Hillary Clinton had her security clearance removed over the summer “at her request,” the Senate Judiciary Committee, who received confirmation from the State Department, revealed Friday.

The news comes as part of an update from the State Department of “its ongoing review of the mishandling of classified information related to the use of Clinton’s non-government email server,” a news release from the committee said.

Five other people labeled by the former secretary of state as being researchers, “including close aide Cheryl Mills,” also lost their clearance, the news release said.

The Judiciary Committee released a letter, dated Sept. 21 from the State Department to Chairman Chuck Grassley, detailing their progress in the investigation and the status of Clinton’s clearance, which was “administratively withdrawn” on Aug. 30. Mills and the other four individuals, whose name were redacted from the letter, had their clearance removed on Sept. 20, the letter said. more



19 Comments on Hillary Clinton’s security clearance removed ‘at her request’

  1. FTA, “…ongoing review of the mishandling of classified information related to the use of Clinton’s non-government email server.”

    Justice delayed is justice denied.

  2. Just the fact that she’s a proven liar with the cattle futures, Bosnian sniper fire, named after an obscure sheep farmer in New Zeeland disqualifies her for any security clearance for God’s sake!

  3. “At her request,,,’ yea, like she thought that one up. I am looking forward about Dorothy Gale to spit on her until she melts. Never is 2 soon enough, Bill paid for it decades ago, “Ogh Monica, awesome, an extra twenty in it to spit”,,,
    And I’m the fowl one,,,

  4. After President Trump revoked Brennan’s security clearance, Hillary could see the writing on the wall; she voluntarily surrendered hers to deny Don the pleasure. Now i wish he would revoke Bill Clinton’s and George W. Bush’s as well.

  5. I hate to read about this, because it means that that crack team of women that helped President Omohammed and the second best Secretary of State in his administration handle the glorious Arab Spring and the fabulous, peaceful succession of leadership from Muammar Gaddafi of Libya to the benevolent Forces of the Liberal Democratic Muslim Shitholers. These women also reset the Russians and contained the Macedonian Content Farmers during the transition from terribly rigid to wonderfully flexible. How will the Trump Administration and the State Department be able to function without these experienced, dedicated veterans of the most successful four years of foreign policy since President Lyndon B. Johnson convinced Ho Chi Minh to allow the South Vietnamese to pursue Democracy as an alternative to Communism.

  6. Shhhhhhhhhure it was…
    Yeah. Of course. Because a power hungry individual willing to do ANYTHING (and I mean anything) for more wealth and influence would offer to give up their security clearance. Right. Okay. Whatever makes her blind followers feel better. (◔◡◔)

  7. It was up for renewal in August, she would have certainly either not passed or perjured herself in sworn statements on the application. It was the only play she had now that her black hats in the FBI are under scrutiny and half the nation wants her locked up. Decaying cunt of a syphilitic hyena will be sitting at the left hand of Satan soon.

  8. Just like shady lawyers who relinquish their license to practice when it’s obvious they’re about to be

    How many people know Barry and Michelle forfeited their licenses years ago ?

    How many know Slick Willy was disbarred while sitting as prez ?

    And the MSM always ” represents ” your right to know !

  9. What a joke. The horse left the barn long ago and it’s a safe bet she has a pipeline to any info she wants from other traitors still employed in government.
    I seriously doubt that there are any secrets left that China isn’t already in possession of.

  10. The only way I can see that it was “at her request” would be if it was coming up for re-investigation and she chose to let it expire. Can you imagine her sitting for the SSBI interview and getting asked actual questions, under oath?! “I don’t remember.” “Uh, I don’t remember.” “Allowed uncleared people to see classified material?!”

  11. As she not only isn’t POTUS, this realistically was also her final shot at it.
    All it takes is that knowledge and suddenly I don’t GAF what the Clintons do.
    Until they die.
    Then it’s party like it’s 2016!


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