Hillary Clinton’s security detail laughed when she broke her elbow – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton’s security detail laughed when she broke her elbow

NYP: Hillary Clinton’s security detail hated her so much that they privately snickered after she accidentally fell and broke her arm when she was secretary of state in 2009, one of her former guards told the Post.


Clinton, then 61, was in the State Department basement on her way to meet President Obama when she took a spill — and ended up in the hospital for an operation to repair her shattered right elbow.

“We sort of got the last laugh. It was kind of like payback: You’re treating us like s–t. Hey karma is a bitch! We were smiling to ourselves,” the agent told The Post on Wednesday.

But Clinton, who frequently behaved like a diva-in-chief, according to the agent, made it worse by pointing the finger at her detail for the mishap.

“She blamed us for breaking her elbow, saying it was our fault and we could have prevented that. She’s bad news,” the agent said.  MORE

h/t Rob.

18 Comments on Hillary Clinton’s security detail laughed when she broke her elbow

  1. I saw a vid where Hillary was having teouble getting out of Scooby after Huma had exited. Dr. Diazepam was nearby, and Humaz never looking back, said something to him and walked away quickly, leaving Doc to help the sick old hag get on her feet. I think Hillary is wearing even her beloved Huma down.

    And they didn’t exactly set Hillary in the van like a wedding cake on 9/11/16.

    Looks like Hillary isn’t the only one running out of juice in the home stretch.

  2. MJA, you’re right. It’s not just her security which gets blowtorched indiscriminately. Every one of her minions has felt her special charm. A toxic brew of fanaticism, stockholm syndrome and fear is what holds her empire together. When she croaks, even the talking heads will have to edit out the giggles from their fawning obituaries. Although sincere tears might be rolling from nevertrumpers’ eyes.

  3. I can only imagine the “pneumonia” jokes passed around by the SS detail last month. And it must have been hard to stifle a snicker when she started wearing those creepy blue sunglasses.

  4. ” By contrast, the security detail loved former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Clinton’s predecessor who served under George W. Bush.

    “Condoleezza Rice was a true diplomat. She built a lot of rapport with her security detail. She would talk to you about family, football, she was one of the boys,” the agent said. “Hillary didn’t care. If you weren’t in her little inner circle — Huma Abedin or Cheryl Mills – she wanted nothing to do with you.” ”

    This is why I hate Bush! He should have made Condolezza Rice his vice-president back in 2004. That way she could have run for President and history would be a lot different now.

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