Hillary clucks to the hens on The View: “Bernie Did Not Give Me the Respect I Deserved” – IOTW Report

Hillary clucks to the hens on The View: “Bernie Did Not Give Me the Respect I Deserved”


Breitbart: Wednesday on ABC’s “The View,” former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton insisted her Democratic primary opponent Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) did not give her the “respect” she deserved during the campaign.

Clinton said, “I know what it’s like to lose. I lost in 2008 to President Obama. As soon as I lost I endorsed him. I worked hard for him. I was arguing with my supporters at the Denver convention in 2008 why they had to stop complaining about how I didn’t win and to get out and work for President Obama, and I didn’t get that respect.”

She added, “Let’s remember he’s not a Democrat. That’s not a slam. He says himself I’m not a Democrat. The whole DNC issue was blown way out of proportion.”  watch

28 Comments on Hillary clucks to the hens on The View: “Bernie Did Not Give Me the Respect I Deserved”

  1. Can’t bring myself to watch another HRC whine fest.

    I just can’t suffer further hate from this woman.

    SAFE SPACE! I need my safe space shelter against her venomous bile.

  2. I don’t get no respect. No respect at all, ladies and gentlemen.

    I have Bill a box of nice cigars for Christmas.
    He gave me an STD and went looking for his humidor in a blue dress.

    No respect at all I tell you.

  3. Kim Jong un’s clothes and Chelsea Manning’s hairdo, paired with an ability to blame and whine equaled only by Deb Wasserman-Schultz. Nevermind, she has a vagina……(threw up a little at the thought of it)

  4. I bet Hillary and her husband (the one she has the Understanding About The Arrangement with) wish they had not let Bernie Sanders in the primaries as a Democrat, so she could strut her stuff in all those debates. And that crazy Jill Stein sure hurt in some of those close states. But they really must hate themselves for deciding that Donald Trump would be the easiest Republican to defeat in the general election. Can’t wait for her to address these decisions.

  5. Ya know, ya think she’d be happy because of all the NEW pants suits she just bought!

    Course, she HAD to buy them cuz she gained 30 or 40 pounds since the election.

    Now, her face is just as round as the MOON!!!

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