Hillary crashes college dance party, takes credit for the crowds – IOTW Report

Hillary crashes college dance party, takes credit for the crowds

PatriotRetort: What’s the best way to get thousands of millennials to turn up for a Hillary campaign rally? Why, hold a big-ass dance party on campus then have Hillary crash it.

Works like a charm.

Of course the sight of a large crowd of college students enticed by a celebrity DJ gave the Enslaved Press the opportunity to report that a “record crowd of supporters” turned up to see Hillary Clinton at Ohio State.

Let’s face it, those headlines are going to sound so much better than, “Crowd of thousands disgusted when Hillary crashes dance party.”

On Planet Earth we call this “the old bait and switch.”  MORE

13 Comments on Hillary crashes college dance party, takes credit for the crowds

  1. Sad when the only way you can get the APPEARANCE of people being interested enough to hear your old cackles is through deception and more LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES. No one believes anything out of your foul mouth, Hillary. GO AWAY and take Slick, Horseface, and the proggies with you!

  2. Lazlo recently hosted some old Civil War buddies for a reunion at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.
    I asked Old Diogenes why nobody showed up to Hilary and Kaine. He said:
    “Nobody wants to drive for an hour to hear Grandma chew them out.”

  3. That’s just weird. Why would a candidate who is Up By 11 Points® feel the need to jump in front of somebody else’s parade? Maybe she’s taking her victory lap early because she has to take it so slowly. Don’t overdo it, bruja.

  4. Polls — Alinsky all the way to the bank. Tell a great big whopper and keep on telling it until people believe it. It used to work except nobody read the last page.

    killery is doing what obama did. Remember that so-called ‘rally’ in Germany — the music venue that had nothing to do with obama or his election? It’s the only way killery can get a crowd shot with more than 250 people these days.

  5. SO THE SECRET SELLOUT SVC would not permit anyone Sunday Night at the debate to use a flash to keep Gramma Cankles from spazzing out. How the hell could she function at a rave with strobes, flashes everywhere?? I wonder? they probably stopped everything, let Gramma C stumble in, do some photo ops so the Media could lie and say wow! what a turnout, then leave to start partying again…FAKE crowd like fake Gramma Cankles.

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