Hillary destroyed Nakoula Basseley Nakoula’s life with false Benghazi film claim, but no one cares – IOTW Report

Hillary destroyed Nakoula Basseley Nakoula’s life with false Benghazi film claim, but no one cares

LI: The Clinton campaign’s rollout of the “fat shaming” claim against Donald Trump has been a thing to see.

This is part and parcel of what has become media collusion with the Clinton campaign, including the coordinated campaign and media rollout of the “fat-shaming” claim. (As to which Trump has completely taken the bait, as the Clinton campaign in-house psychological profilers likely predicted.) Molly Hemingway at The Federalist notes, Alicia Machado Is 2016’s Sandra Fluke, A Democratic Public Relations Scam:

But when Clinton talks about Machado, and runs conference calls for the media with her, and sets up photo shoots with her, and whatnot, everyone just complies and forgets to mention they’re taking marching orders from the campaign.

How else to explain how everyone chose the same angle as the Clinton campaign asked them to? Media outlets could have noted that they themselves were calling Machado a fatty-boombaladdy at the exact same time Trump made his remarks. They could have noted that beauty pageant winners are generally judged by their … how do you say it … BEAUTY. Or they could have chosen entirely different angles.

The fat-shaming charge is Clinton cynicism at its most grotesque.

Hillary is the woman who savaged her husband’s paramours and sexual harassment/assault victims in the most demeaning and derogatory terms. She called Monica Lewinsky, who but for the blue dress would have been destroyed by the Clinton war room, a “narcissistic loony toon.” And that was not an isolated instance: