Hillary doesn’t understand Obamacare – IOTW Report

Hillary doesn’t understand Obamacare

AmericanThinker: Even “the smartest woman in the world” doesn’t understand the (Un-)Affordable Care Act.


During Sunday’s Democrat town hall, CNN somehow allowed an audience member to bring up her skyrocketing health insurance costs under Obamacare.  Hillary Clinton urged the woman to “keep shopping” on the exchange.

But that’s impossible under Obamacare.

The window for buying health insurance is closed.  Along with the individual mandate, it’s one of the building blocks of the (U)ACA, and Clinton, who’s running on her “experience” and Washington résumé, should have known that.  If she cared about how the (U)ACA affected people, that is.

Teresa O’Donnell, an office coordinator from Powell, Ohio, told Clinton that, like many Americans, her premiums have skyrocketed under Obamacare: more

9 Comments on Hillary doesn’t understand Obamacare

  1. The recommended insurance here is Blue Cross Blue Shield….my insurance was gonna go up $1200 a year so I went on the marketplace and had only one other choice….Blue Cross Blue Shield…It’s a friggin’ monopoly and they don’t care….

  2. The law war written by lobbyists and health insurance companies. This is the reward they get – a HUGE upfront payday (or, pay-off) – before the system implodes and the U.S. Gummint steps in with single-payer. It was a Hobson’s Choice.

  3. Not only are you shut out by the closed window but this ACA that was supposed to bring the poor into the sunlight is not open to anyone making under 100% of the Federal Poverty Level. I didn’t know this till I had to put my daughter on the books of my business so she made enough to qualify.

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