Hillary eats soul food, campaigns in churches to boost lagging black turnout – IOTW Report

Hillary eats soul food, campaigns in churches to boost lagging black turnout

AM: Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s tours of soul food restaurants and black churches to court black voters in recent weeks doesn’t seem to be paying off.

The turnout of black voters is down in many areas compared to 2012, including key battleground states, providing the latest evidence that the former first lady’s campaign may be circling the drain.

“As tens of millions of Americans cast ballots in what will be the largest-ever mobilization of early voters in a presidential election, the numbers have started to point toward a slump that many Democrats feared might materialize without the nation’s first black president on the ticket,” the New York Times reports.

The black voter turnout in the key state of North Carolina is down 16 percent in early voting. It’s a similar situation in Florida, where black voters heading to the polls in person has decreased from 25 percent in 2012 to a current rate of 15 percent, despite expanded early voting opportunities.  MORE

29 Comments on Hillary eats soul food, campaigns in churches to boost lagging black turnout

  1. cfm990 — Wouldn’t that be Schtruggle? LOL!

    Dear God! Has she not even the self-awareness to know how pathetic her obvious pandering is? Worse, do black voters have no clue? We need to get rid of and replace education in this country.

  2. Do you honestly believe the Black Community swallows her lies and swill? She who explodes with the N***** word like a firecracker, who belittles her acting DNC chair Donna Brazile? and does so publicly, telling her not to just stand there looking like a beached whale. She who “looks out for women”. Mostly to see who she can con into taking off their undies for her. Most of the audience just showed up for free meal, and laughed at the old sick white woman trying to “get down” with them.

  3. Funny how Cheryl Mills is just idling along, under the radar, and she’s in just as deep, if not deeper, than Huma. She always seems to slip away from scandals untouched. Could be tough this time if her matron loses.

  4. Good news. Leavenworth serves fried chicken and waffles every Saturday. I love fried cheese and waffles. Trying to figure out how to get myself locked up.
    Maybe I should start a phony charity.

  5. Mmm … black-eyed peas … wif sum hamhock … an co’nbread.

    No p’k’chitlins an grits?

    Chine bone an kale?

    Chikkin an biscuits? Sorry – biskits –

    Biskits an sawsage gravy?

    Damn – makin m’seff hungry – an dun alreddy ate!

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Her pandering is beyond the pale. Note to blacks, she thinks so highly of you that she didn’t even bother to really get to pandering until a week before the election when she learns the black vote isn’t showing up like it did for Obama in early voting. I can only imagine what she says privately about having to go to black churches, hair salons and Jay Z concerts while eating soul food and pretending she is down with the struggle as Michelle would say.

  7. @Tim – kale is the lefty greens fad (which is funny, cuz the consistency of kale is like cardboard, like the rest of their tasteless vegan food). Soul food greens are collards and turnip greens.

  8. @thirdtwin — the FBI retained Mill’s and that other woman’s (Jennifer someone or other) laptops. They didn’t destroy them as they first reported back in July(?). Mills is going down. She’s under the microscope as I type. A lot of people are going under.

    Merry Christmas!

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