Regated; This year’s presidential election, perhaps more than any in American history, has been colored as an ideological struggle not between competing governing philosophies as in years past but between such elemental forces as love and hate. In an era in which the nation’s political dialogue has been dominated by millennials and young people most adept at the latest mediums of self expression, we have allowed emotionally immature grown-up children at college to dictate the frame of this conversation. Rather than taking each position based on the content and merits of their arguments, stupid people with small brains in sociology departments across the country have evaded ever having to consider the uncomfortable reality of this nation’s steady decline by instead fixating on “language” and rhetorical delivery.

Tune into MSNBC and you will notice that the discussions of each sycophantic panel of bitter intellectuals and race hustlers are focused not on content, but rhetoric. Fox News may be a shouting match between loud, dusty, badly dressed old men and Roger Ailes’ hand selected catalogue of buxom blonde babes; but as ugly as it gets, there are differing opinions and passions because these are real Americans making important arguments about the direction of their nation. There are no dust ups on Rachel Maddow or Chris Matthews because a quaint discussion on rhetorical style cannot rouse conviction; because it doesn’t matter.

This is how conservatism has evolved in public perception, into a fanatically religious hate group that is out to get minorities and poor people; and this is how a flawed man with a big heart has become the left’s caricature of conservative hate in this presidential election. It is common for low information independents, moderates, and liberals to complain about “gridlock” and “polarization.” This is owed to a culture insistent on the absurd assumption that liberalism is the only moral ideology and that any disagreements necessarily derive from ignorant, primitive hate.

Examples of this abound. When Donald Trump proposed his now infamous border wall in August of last year, this very simple and benign proposal was not given a fair hearing in the press. There was no discussion about the costs and benefits associated with our present de facto policy of open borders with Mexico and all of Central America. Outside of Breitbart and Ann Coulter’s righteous crusade, there was no talk of the national security risk, the downward pressure on wages, or the cultural implications which result from an open border policy. Instead we were attacked with sophomoric platitudes about building bridges and not walls, about how we are a nation of immigrants, and about how somehow ethnic diversity makes us stronger in some intangible, spiritual way.  more


  1. JustAl

    Mooch has no desire to go after Hillary’s sloppy seconds, much less tangle with Trump. She and Barky both know she’s not ready for any of this.

    Besides, there is that DC Shadow Senator seat coming available in 2018. She’s been pretending not to notice it for a while now.

  2. refuse/resist-having spent quite a bit of time at various leftie sites, I can say that the wind is pretty much out of the Feel The Bern Bunch. They saw him cave there at the end. And the fancy new sports car and the 3rd!! vaca home were the final straws.

    It’s not going to be him to step in but the DNC had better do something fairly quickly. Looking at the pathetic bench they have, honestly, Michelle would do the best-and that’s some scary ass shit.

    She would fire up the listless base and guarantee a huge black turnout. You know the left dominated media would be all over themselves flushing Hillary to push Michelle. And then prospect of keeping Barack around? Oh lord, she just might win too.

  3. The left always tells you what they are. They project their motives and prejudices onto the opposition. Trump is the only conservative of the past 30 years who has made any attempt to hold the mirror up to them.

    If you closely examine the mind set of radical muslims and democrats they are the same: they blame outside forces for their woes, they claim to have no power to change their own behavior because of the outside forces and their solution is to rid the world of those who do not think like them.

  4. “Can’t we all just get alongs?” -Rodney King

    After your entire life of DECEIT: lying constantly, stealing endlessly, killing your adversaries, …. the answer is, ah NO!!

  5. The left wants the Star Trek world where the pursuit of money is replaced with the pursuit of bettering oneself. They don’t seem to understand that fiction is not reality. They see all the cultures get along and think that’s true. They are children who haven’t grown up.

  6. I wonder if it will come down to Plugs or Phauxcohontas Warren? Plugs will pretty much swallow his own ass and disappear. Warren is more bothersome. I think Donald Trump can handle either, but its the die-hard lefties who muss up the batter. That cake will still flatten under the oven heat. Their side is built like a sandcastle in the sky. Sounds like utopia until the wind catches it and poof its gone.

  7. TO MM

    Michelle?!? Have no fear; thatain’t gonna happen.
    (I posted the below elsewhere, but it fits well here, too)

    The Options as I see it (*they* LOSE regardless):

    1) Hillary stays In – her illnesses persuade more and more to abandon her

    2) Hillary Out, Sanders In – American independents and moderates will have *nothing* to do with an avowed socialist

    3) Hillary Out, Biden In – A) Can’t get any closer LITERALLY to Obama’s Third Term than with his VP. B) Crazy Joe is not “crazy” to just us on the Right, especially after Trump’s campaign releases soundbite after soundbite. C) You can write off 100% of Bernie Sanders’ supporters in a nanosecond.

    4) Hillary Out, any other “surprise* Dem In – variation on #3 above…minus the name recognition.

    5) Hillary Out, Chelsea or Michelle In – Okay, so they’ve got the name recognition…AND “pity points”. Their ZERO EXPERIENCE would turn their campaigns into a Popularity Contest. I think too many Americans have had enough of the 8 years seeing what “Popularity” brings for these two idiots to gain any traction in the general populace.

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