‘Hillary for mayor’ campaign gains steam in New York City – IOTW Report

‘Hillary for mayor’ campaign gains steam in New York City

AM: The effort to draft Hillary Clinton into the race for mayor of New York City is not going away.

Proponents released a fictional ad on Monday with scenes from the Big Apple set to Clinton’s voice.  MORE


37 Comments on ‘Hillary for mayor’ campaign gains steam in New York City

  1. But, but, but, would she really abandon her beloved hometown of Chappaqua? I thought her principals, roots and allegiances run so deep…are you saying that she is a shallow, self-serving mercenary?

  2. What the hell, let her. She can’t be any worse then Bill De Blasio and if she tried screw around with any ongoing investigations in the Clinton Foundation that would leak soon enough. Besides, with the mess Rahm has created in Chcago, along with the LA problems, Seattle and the rest of the big cities run by Democrats why shouldn’t NYC get a dose of Clinton. Maybe she’ll actually be good at it and in any event that will be the swansong of her political career.

  3. Start spreading the news.
    She’s running for mayor.
    She’s des-per-ate for rel-e-vance
    In old New York.

    Them Democrat blues
    Are fading away.
    They think she’s got a shot at it
    In Old New York.

    If they can — make her mayor,
    Muslims will — torch Times Square.
    So fall apart, New York, New York!

  4. With Shrillary as mayor, word has it that Slick wants to personally go “undercover” to “bust” the desnudas panhandling nuisance. He was overheard saying “I’ll give those hot tamales something to handle, alright.”

  5. NYC could do worse … oops! Looks like they already did!

    de Blasio is the dog-shit on HRC’s shoe.
    (and HRC is the dog-shit on the Demonrat Party’s shoe)
    (and the Demonrat Party is the dog-shit on America’s shoe)

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Not until the Glorious Mr. Kim can supply the fireworks. And remember, America, intent is all. As long as they say “Oopsy,” everybody gets one free shot. So, STEM you sweet NoKo basterds! STEM!

  7. She couldn’t do much worse than the scumbag that’s mayor now.
    Believe me, New York City deserves better. The trouble is that American New Yorkers are outnumbered by academics, elitists,
    stars, starlets, and free-loaders. I’d love to see a Koch or a Guilianni return to the Big Apple. I doubt it will happen in my lifetime. Maybe one of President Trump’s sons will throw his hat in the ring.?

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