Hillary Gets B!tchy About Releasing The Transcripts From Her Paid Wall Street Speeches – IOTW Report

Hillary Gets B!tchy About Releasing The Transcripts From Her Paid Wall Street Speeches

 (AP Photo/Richard Drew)
(AP Photo/Richard Drew)

DT: I probably could have just titled this one: “Reason #1,000,012 Why Hillary Clinton Is Full Of Sh!t” but I didn’t think it was specific enough to the content of the article. Basically, Hillary is under fire for campaigning against Wall Street and the big banks even though she has been paid handsomely by these institutions. At the last democratic debate, she was asked if she would release the transcripts from her secret paid Wall Street speeches and she kind of bullshitted her way out of it. Today, she expanded on that bullshit in the bitchiest way possible.


9 Comments on Hillary Gets B!tchy About Releasing The Transcripts From Her Paid Wall Street Speeches

  1. Could it be that hillary’s presentation and spoken words to special interest groups for the paltry sum of $600,000 is different than the pabulum she feeds the media and masses?

    hillary and bill have received over $153,600,000 dollars in speaking fees since 2001. From the Russia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, China, the United Arab Emirates, Panama, India, the Cayman Islands and more countries, big banks, goldman sachs, Universities, wall street, special interest groups, etc., etc
    Over $153 MILLION Dollars. No wonder Hillary said they were dead broke.

    Illnois’ former governor, Blagojevich is in federal prison for “Pay to Play” schemes.

    And elitists, hillary and bill, are exempt from indictment and prosecution for influence peddling, incompetence and willful disregard for the laws, rules and regulations.

    I’m shocked I tell you, I’m shocked.

  2. Hillary Gets Bitchy…?
    That’s her natural state.
    Yesterday I saw a bumper sticker with her picture and the message: “Life’s a Bitch – Don’t Elect One.”
    That in Tallahassee, where Bernie stickers seem to prevail.

  3. If you’re not a lying, scheming, filthy, fuckin, treasonous, hate-America hypocrite, you got no reason to be a Demonrat.

    I, seriously, cannot understand why America has not expelled these filthy, treasonous bastards.

  4. And we wonder why the economy and financial sectors are in such universal and worldly disarray. We have always been told that the wizards of smart were ensconced in banking and other financial endeavors and yet they paid Hillary Rodham Clinton multi-millions of dollars to speak pig latin to them for 20 minutes at a time!

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