Hillary going back to making $200,000 speeches – IOTW Report

Hillary going back to making $200,000 speeches


Who wouldn’t pay to listen to such sweet sounds?

Here’s what I’ve never quite worked out about people paying Hillary $200,000 to speak to them (or even $1 for that matter). Since it obviously isn’t because they enjoy listening to her, are they simply paying for her star power in order to ensure they get standing-room only for their business or association event? Or is (or should I say was) it the other way around . . . you’re paying Hillary to speak as a kiss-up so that she’ll take care of you once she returns to political power?

Obviously Hillary’s banking on it being the former, because the latter ain’t happening – not now, not soon, not ever. Right?


Seriously, I’ve spent the last 15 years of my life making sure this woman would never become president. It wasn’t fun but it was necessary. I’m ready to move on to other things now. Don’t. Make. Me. Do It. Again . . .

But I don’t think that’s what’s at work here. I think Hillary never had an easier money-making gig than these big-money, totally vapid speeches. So before she gives up on the idea that she might be able to do it again, she might as well give it a shot:

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19 Comments on Hillary going back to making $200,000 speeches

  1. The topic of her speech, “don’t be like me,” and in subtext, how to use all your star power, political clout, and every dirty trick in politics and media to campaign for the presidency, and fail… twice.

  2. She won’t be physically capable in 4 years, I have zero concern about her.
    Frankly I don’t have much concern about Trump, I am pretty confident 2 weeks into his presidency that he will be re-elected, only concern is the unknown health issue that could hit any president.

  3. I don’t think she’ll get many takers other than
    the money laundering aspect that was lost with her
    being rejected by the country.

    It’s about time for her to slip on the ice again
    isn’t it?

  4. Who would be stupid enough to think they would get their money’s worth? It was never about hearing her speak only the influence they were buying. People weren’t even going for free during the campaign. Just go away!

  5. Evidently the rotten, old Chappaqunt doesn’t realize she’s waaay past her “Sell By” date. Honestly, yer gonna give that old Bitch money for access to whut? And yer gonna do it immediately on the heels of thousands losing millions on her a few months ago?
    Good grief, I know there’s a sucker born every minute, but this is ridiculous!
    Maybe even insane!

    Oh yeah…… we are talking about the left.

  6. Don’t get it.
    Not just HRC, but I wouldn’t pay to hear ANYONE speak.
    I might pay to have some shut-the-F-up, but not to speak.
    Guess I’m different.
    (not like THAT)

    izlamo delenda est …

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