Hillary Has an NSA Problem – IOTW Report

Hillary Has an NSA Problem

The FBI has been investigating Clinton for months—but an even more secretive Federal agency has its own important beef with her. 

hillary c

*cue music

Observer: For a year now, Hillary Clinton’s misuse of email during her tenure as secretary of state has hung like a dark cloud over her presidential campaign. As I told you months ago, email-gate isn’t going away, despite the best efforts of Team Clinton to make it disappear. Instead, the scandal has gotten worse, with never-ending revelations of apparent misconduct by Ms. Clinton and her staff. MORE

vintage news guy black and white RobertTrout

[Typewriter Keys Clacking]

Ladies and gentlemen, this is a pickle!

Will our gal give it up?

Will she be removed from office if elected?

[Carriage Return]

Will she ever be fitted for the federal pantsuit?

Tune into iotw reports for the continuing drama!

—tip of the hat to Rob.

13 Comments on Hillary Has an NSA Problem

  1. That is some serious people she messed with and you know they are pissed at her refusal to follow their security directives. Mr President is not going to pressure these guys and their investigation. What interesting times.

  2. There will be No Indictment
    No Trial and
    No Conviction.

    The Oligarchs will not risk removing the mask.

    America is in a half-awake stupor at the moment, and they cannot allow a completely awakened America and continue their criminal ways. If Americans finally see clearly what is being done to them, they may upset the apple cart.

    And that will NOT be allowed.

  3. I think we all have an NSA problem. The pukes driving the bus will probably create some sort of conflagration to jam the elections and this will be pushed off to the sidelines. With any luck, maybe the bitch really is sick.

  4. The NSA is a rogue band of murderers and cutthroats – and you can bet your last quarter that they never told her anything worth knowing. The bitch has a 40 year criminal history, and they know all about it; who she had killed (may have done a few for her, themselves), who laundered money through the Foundation, and where ALL the bodies are buried. They know exactly what was “leaked” to the Chinese and the Iranians because they’re the ones who orchestrated the leaks that Obola and Hill and Bill thought they were so smart to get away with.

    They lie to the Preznit, the Joint Chiefs, and to each other – the NSA is a puzzle wrapped in an enigma shrouded by mystery.

    (to borrow from Mr. Churchill)

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