Hillary: I Find It ‘Difficult’ for Me ‘To Talk About Myself’ – IOTW Report

Hillary: I Find It ‘Difficult’ for Me ‘To Talk About Myself’

MRCtv: During the CNN Democratic Presidential Town Hall in New Hampshire on Monday, Hillary Clinton told attendees that she finds it “difficult” to talk about herself.

meep frowny

She said she feels more comfortable talking about what she wants to do for others.

“This is hard for me,” said Clinton. “I never thought I’d be standing on a stage here asking people to vote for me for president.”

meep full mouth

“I always wanted to be of service,” she explained. “I met my husband who was such a natural, knew exactly what he wanted to do. I was happy to support him while I worked for the Children’s Defense Fund, taught law, and, you know, had our daughter…”

meep barf face

“I never thought I would do this,”  more

21 Comments on Hillary: I Find It ‘Difficult’ for Me ‘To Talk About Myself’

  1. “I never thought I’d be standing on a stage here asking people to vote for me for president.”

    It’s all she has dreamed about since she was a young f*ckup working on the Nixon scandal.

    And she sure loves to hear herself talk … about HERSELF!

  2. Wow……She’s just like the girl next door !

    NOT !
    A conniving pathological Liar with a long list of criminal actions.

    What she has done and wants to do for people and this nation is nothing short of criminal and should scare the hell out of the United States.

  3. Of course she doesn’t like talking about herself. If she did, all America could see what a filthy, vile, lying, greedy, corrupt, overentitled, criminal, cold, bus-throwing-under, incompetent, shrewish, opportunistic piece of crap with absolutely no sense of humor she is.

    And that’s on a GOOD day.

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