Hillary Instructed Aide to Strip Markings Before Sending Classified Data – IOTW Report

Hillary Instructed Aide to Strip Markings Before Sending Classified Data

hillary c
NiceDeb: Last August, when it became known last that emails from the intelligence community were somehow making it onto her personal server, more than a few of us wondered, Did Someone in Hillary’s Inner Circle Strip Classified Markings From Her Emails?

That question has been answered thanks to the belated State Department document dump that was executed in the middle of the night.
Among this latest tranche of Hillary’s emails, Fox News picked up on a significant exchange that is –let’s just say — highly problematic.  more here

9 Comments on Hillary Instructed Aide to Strip Markings Before Sending Classified Data

  1. I really think at this point, if they had found child porn on there with Billary’s stamp of approval all over it, they won’t prosecute. The spineless GOP won’t push for it out of fear they will be called bad things by the low info mofos who won’t give them the time of day.

  2. Hiller E. Coyote (ugly) sez:
    Eradicate Capitalism in Our Lifetime…
    This Time WITH Pants!

    This prevaricating, calculating, rotten, old, cold Communist with yellow hair, green eyes, red hands, a whitewater heart and a forked-tongue is so thoroughly corrupt her dishonesty is only exceeded by her unbridled greed and lust for money and power and will not stop at anything to steal it!

  3. Congress doesn’t need to wait for Loretta Lynch to indict Hillary (she won’t, anyway), all they need to do is appoint a special prosecutor (but they won’t). I’m talking to YOU Trey Gowdy.

  4. That photo is priceless. Looks exactly like she got an unscripted question, and dumped a yuge load in her pantsuit. ‘Huma, cleanup on aisle two! I’m gonna need some muscle!’

  5. She has, literally, gotten away with murder, more than once.

    She has, literally, gotten away with influence peddling, more than once.

    She has, literally, gotten away with treason, more than once.

    She has, literally, gotten away with perjury, more than once.

    Think someone’s gonna indict her now?
    Better check the air pressure in yer head …

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