Hillary is a Frankenstein – A Monster Comprised Of the Worst of Every Other Politician – IOTW Report

Hillary is a Frankenstein – A Monster Comprised Of the Worst of Every Other Politician


Art By Gary Locke

ht/ just the tip

John Kerry’s flip-flopping.

Barack Obama’s arrogance.

Mitt Romney’s wealth.

Joe Biden’s gaffes.



19 Comments on Hillary is a Frankenstein – A Monster Comprised Of the Worst of Every Other Politician

  1. She (it) has no personality and must adopt characteristics from the creatures around her. That’s the only way it can pretend to be human. Recall the phony accents? Another manifestation of its “The Thing”-like qualities.

    No conscience.
    No moral code.
    Unbridled greed.
    Uncontrollable rage.
    Hatred of all things decent.
    Able to have people killed without batting an eyelid.
    Unable to speak without lying.
    Unable to love or accept love.
    Attempts to satisfy base lusts with whomever is willing and available.
    Refuses productive work.
    Doesn’t believe in God, Heaven, or Hell.

  2. There’s nothing wrong with either Mitt’s wealth or the way he earned it.

    OTOH, the wealth accumulated by Hillary through strong-arm tactics and bribery is another story.

    I still can’t believe she has a shot-there’s really over 60 million people that might think she’s untrustworthy(at the least) but would choose being burned alive at the stake rather then vote for a Republican??

  3. I always get a kick out of people referring to the monster as Frankenstein. Dressing like Frankenstein at Halloween would be putting on a doctor’s lab coat.

  4. She makes the David Eich “Reptilian Agenda” books seem a lot more plausible.
    I wish I had some ‘They Live’ glasses like Rowdy Roddy Piper
    I bet her true nature would be revealed

  5. I always thought of her as Hillary Gollum Clinton.
    I can almost hear this deceitful, duplicitous, self-centered, self-serving, money-grubbing thing, dripping with jealousy and greed whispering:
    “We must have the Preciouss office!!!

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