Hillary Is Taking Credit For Bill’s Accomplishments So His Indiscretions Are ‘Fair Game’ – IOTW Report

Hillary Is Taking Credit For Bill’s Accomplishments So His Indiscretions Are ‘Fair Game’

Breitbart: Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” in commenting on Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump going after Bill Clinton’s indiscretions, The Atlantic’s Molly Ball said if Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton is going to point to the Bill Clinton presidency to advance her campaign, then Bill Clinton is “fair game.”

molly ball face the nation

Ball said, “[Trump] does have point when he talks about how she’s pandering to women. We do her leaning into sort of feminism as identity politics. She didn’t in 2008 in way that was seen as damaging and dangerous in 2008 she had to be Margaret Thatcher, had to be tough, had to be genderless. This time around very different campaign.

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8 Comments on Hillary Is Taking Credit For Bill’s Accomplishments So His Indiscretions Are ‘Fair Game’

  1. well it’s only fair she does use bills accomplishments as fodder to run on.
    because all of bill’s accomplishments in office where due to Reagans efforts in office before bill.

    when will she get around to running on obama’s accomplishments as well.
    you know, the 15 -25 % real unemployment, rocketing healthcare costs, imminent stock market crash, the coming third world war and civil war…..

  2. So… is Molly Ball fired, demoted, leave-of-absenced, or reeducated? Doesn’t matter, I bet she’s already on Trump ‘s payroll. Hey, RINOs…It’s about time to beg a billionaire to hire a sky-writer again.

  3. Each ‘insertion’ by Bill Clinton, to Hillary the enabler-pimp-wife’s run for president, is fair game to let all of his previous ‘insertions’ and bullying, be used whenever, however and as often as needed against the reprehensible tag team of evil that the Clinton’s are!

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